Chapter 5

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"What's wrong Scarlett? Isn't Fonsi dead..." questioned Mason pouring himself a cup of coffee. I groaned in response. Deep in thought. "We are going out later." "Where to?" I asked least impressed. "A restuarant. People have to see us in public more often." At that statement my head snapped to his direction. "What did you say!?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "You heard me. Now go get ready." He told me and left the lounge. Sometimes I despised him. I did as he said and got myself pretty. Two hours later I was ready to go.

As we stepped out the car, I could already feel people staring at us. I had to put on shades just so to feel comfortable. We were led to a reserved table for two. "You look stunning." Said Mason pulling out a chair for me. "What's with the extra saucy niceness?" I asked. He chuckled. "If I'm gonna be Mayor...I have to look like I can handle anything and that my soon to be wife is the happiest murderess there is." I smiled at his last sentence. Murderess. Oh how I love the killing. Soon as people started noticing us the more uncomfortable I began to feel. Wine and coffee were placed infront of me but I needed a puff.

 Wine and coffee were placed infront of me but I needed a puff

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"I feel like we're being watched, Mason." I said discretely. "That's just paranoia. Relax my love. Let's enjoy our afternoon." He wasnt paying attention to my instincts. I know we're being watched but by whom I couldn't say. Momentarily, a petite girl walked passed us to a table opposite of ours. She looked so familiar. And oh, I loved her dress. She sat alone and a waiter came to take her order. Soon enough; the city's gossip girl showed up. By that I mean a reporter. They made small talk for a few minutes. "So, I hear that a man by the name Fonsi Rossetti..." my ears got hyped. "Was murdered last night." Said the petite girl. The reporter nodded sipping on tea. "Yes. Most people believe that the one who's name shall not be mentioned, did it." So the knowledge of Fonsi's death is now out. Perfect. "Scarlett did you hear me?" Said Mason slightly irritated. I tuned the petite girl and reporter's conversation out and draw my attention back to our table. "What did you say?" I asked sipping the wine. "Would you like to go check out your wedding dress today or what?" I shrugged in response. "What's got your attention lately?" "I have better things to work on Mason, like making sure my public image is secured. As Scarlett and as the Mistress of death." Mason chuckled lightly. "Perhaps you forget the only way to do that is through me; once I get that position." I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see because of the shades. "You will be mayor now that you're the only one running for the election. It's a given Brouishkov. Now, what's left to do for the rest of the day?" Mason cleared his throat. "A photoshoot." I hummed darting my attention back to the girls.

Their conversation now was in hushed whispers. Damn it. It seemed like they were done too because they shook hands. As soon as the petite girl turned around our direction. I knew she was familiar just from the back view but now....damn her dress is gorgeous! White compliments her skin.

damn her dress is gorgeous! White compliments her skin

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I shook my head to get it back on the real deal. As soon as I saw her face I swear I saw a ghost. I had to look away so that she doesn't see me. But, it seems like the universe was against me. She came straight to our table. "Mason? Is that you?" Hey God please save me! "Yes, cousin. What brings you here?" Said Mason rising from his chair to give her a hug; with a huge smile on his face. I fixed my hair so it could cover a portion of my face and also readjusted my shades. "Why don't you join us?" Mason gestured to the table. She giggled and shook her head no. Phew! "That's okay I have some errands to run." She responded. "Well okay. This is my fiance Scarlett," he gestured to me. I smiled awkwardly as she extended her hand for me to shake it. I shook it and quickly retrieved it. "It was nice to see you Mase and your fiance. I'll see you around and also good luck with the election." She said and bid us farewell. When she finally left the restaurant that was when I released a breath I didn't know I held in.

I gave Mason a deadly scowl. "When we get home we have a lot of discussions to make." He simply nodded. The rest of the afternoon went on quite smoothly. "Scarlett...Mistress. You seem distracted. Talk to me what's the matter?" I heaved a sigh. I guess I have to since we're more than just business associates. "It's about what Fonsi told me last night." "What did he say?" I took a puff. "A call girl of mine came back from his house yesterday after the auction. Nothing happened between them..." I said to him. "Is that a problem?" I nodded slightly. "Not really though;except later she was shot. She said Fonsi wanted me...and wouldn't stop at nothing. She also said that he knew me. It ticked me off..." Mason disturbed me, "Why though? I am your fiance yet I don't know you." I gave him a duh look. "Precisely. That's why I changed the plans of getting rid of him sooner. He would become a nuisance. To cut to the chase; when I got to his house I heard a different story before I shot him."


"Why did you shoot Sil, Fonsi?" He gave me an odd look. "Did you tell her that you want me?" I asked seductively as we walked upstairs. He stopped walking, held my hand as he faced me. He kissed it. "Of course that I did. You're the most gorgeous lady I have ever seen and together we would be unstoppable. Separate we are dangerous, but together Mistress...we could run this world. I may be corrupt, but I'd never send a hitman on a messenger. It just isn't my style." I raised an eyebrow. "So, you're telling me that you didn't order the hit?" "No." I nodded. He seemed honest enough. "It could be someone else who's on to you, Mistress." I glared daggers at him. "Who?" He shrugged in response. "Someone who hates you more than the citizens I guess." We finally reached his bedroom. He opened the door and went in. "Either way Fonsi, I'm not letting you live tonight." He walked to the bed and poured some wine. How gullible is this guy? I got in and closed the door behind me; locking it. I am so going to enjoy this...

End of flashback

"So you're telling me that other than Fonsi; there's someone else who wants you dead?" I groaned in response. "Yes Mason. I have to be excessively careful about my work. Speaking of which...I have to go check on the cartel. But before that, I'm hungry...where's the waiter?" "I'll handle that...waiter?" We ordered steak and salad...

"So any cake ideas?" Mason asked as he escorted me to our car. "Whatever you want Mason. I don't care." We got in the car and Joe drove us off. "Who was that girl you called your cousin?" I couldn't hold it in any longer. It bugged me too much to have got to postpone the conversation. Mason brushed it off. "Talk Mason. Do not ignore me." He rolled his eyes. "Fine, Mistress. That was my cousin. From Marowanda." My suspicion was confirmed. "How are you even related Mason!? You're Russian.  A Brouishkov! For crying out loud! Fuck!" I shouted in frustration. "Her mother is a Brouishkov. My father's sister; hence my aunt. She had a child out of wedlock, but they got married. My cousin's name is Penelope Goodwin...sadly she wasn't raised like a Brouishkov." With those words I pulled out my gun from my purse and shot through the glass window of the car. Joe immediately stopped driving. "Careful with that Scarlett. You'll kill us all." "Really!? I am as good as fucked right now! I'm engaged to a Brouishkov and your cousin could jeopardize my whole mission, Mason!" I yelled in fury. "But what does it matter to you?" My eyes shot open. Right, he doesn't know. I calmed myself down. "You'll understand one day. Drive Joe." Mason didn't even bother trying to fish out information. There was a pregnant silence in the car; but better than unnecessary questions. I headed straight to my office followed by Joe as soon as we got home. "What can I do for you Mistress?" Asked Joe.

"Find out what Penelope Goodwin is here for and why." Joe nodded and left. Why did you come here Penny? And why did you have to be related to Mason...this can get ready difficult. It's a cruel world out here and frankly I am just the worst part of it...I hope you don't end up hurt.

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