Part 5

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 Unknown man's P.O.V

Instead of the bullies fist hitting Midoria's face he hit Midoria's hand while it got twisted behind his back, 'Damn he's fast'. He whispered something in the asshole's ear what apparently shocked him and then he proceeded to walk away with the look of someone who was gonna get revenge.

Without him noticing I quickly shot a camera with a microphone on Izuku's shirt so I could hear and see what was happening inside his school. 

Well nothing much happened those two hours he was in his lesson, I did figure out my friend wasn't joking when he said he was incredibly smart. This fourteen year old kid was not paying attention to the lesson at all instead he was doing the math you would see a college professor struggle with, I mean I'm pretty smart my IQ is quite a lot higher than the usual adult but I had no clue what this kid was doing. His teacher tried to catch him on not paying attention a few times by asking him questions about stuff he didn't even teach yet but every time he answered it perfectly without missing a single beat, I don't like this teacher he doesn't care about his student's the only thing he cares about is the pay check.

 Izuku's free period was a while after and he walked outside, but of course the assholes from before came back "Oi useless why do you even try, just go jump of a roof or something" the first one said "Yea, or become a villain like that other useless you call a friend". I saw the exact moment he snapped, something in his eyes shifted the second they said a bad thing about that friend. "Listen bud, I get it I'm quirkless and weak, but... DARE to say another bad word about Hitoshi and I will make you regret it" in his eyes you could read the promise behind his words, they were glowing literally glowing in the most creepy way I could ever imagine.

"Damn remind me to never get on the bad side of this kid" I mumbled. The two other kids looked really surprised like they didn't know him like that, sadly it was not enough and one of them threw a hit aimed at his head. I guess they still hadn't learned their lesson.

Izuku's P.O.V

I snapped, how dare they insult Hitoshi like that! I scared the living shit out of Daiko with my outburst who didn't say a word, but of course Haruki only got really fucking pissed because I talked back. Haruki threw a hit aimed right at my nose, but somehow everything looked like it was going in slow motion. My body knew exactly what it had to do, I dodged the punch so I was under the arm he tried to hit me with, I grabbed it, twisted it on his back while pushing his neck down with my other hand and hit my knee right in his face which I had kept down. I didn't even realize what had happened until I released him. The poor boy fell down barely keeping consciousness, his friend ran to him to make sure he was okay. "Now listen for once in your pathetic lives and stay the fuck away from me and Hitoshi or things will be worse next time, understood" I said while looking them straight in the eye, Daiko quickly nodded and Haruki just gave an annoyed hum in response. "Good I'll be leaving now if you don't mind" I said shooting one last glance at them while walking away into the woods next to the school.

I felt the shocked eyes of the people who witnessed the fight burning on my back as I left. I walked to the spot I used to come with Katsuki, before he changed into the dick he was the last time I saw him. "OH MY GOD, Izuku are the rumors true" I heard my best and honestly only friend call out to me "Uhh what rumors" I said already pissed about the shit they were talking about this time. "Did you really beat up Haruki!?" He basically screamed, 'Geez how can this guy be a depressed emotionless person around everyone else but the second we're alone change into the hyper guy in front of me right now' I wondered zoning out. "Well?! did you" He asked once again snapping me out of my thoughts "Uhh kinda... but he started talking shit about you, my depresso espresso he deserved it" I said with a smirk, I love the nickname. "DAMN HOW?! you get beat up every day by those guys, and yes I know your pretty quick but Geez this is next level he literally has a concussion and passed out after you left" He said "Well, it looked like everything suddenly was going in slow motion, my body just acted on it's own I had no idea what was going on I didn't even realize what was happening until after the move." I replied still trying to make sense out of what just happened. "Hey do you think you might have been under control. It wasn't me I swear but maybe someone saw what happened and decided to step in" He suggested, I thought about it for a moment before replying "No I'm sure I was in control it was more like a reflex I didn't know I had" 

"Okay Izu if you say so" he said while sitting down next to me. I grabbed my phone to just scroll through it but then I saw the time, my eyes widen and I scream to Hito to get up and hurry to class. He shot up threw everything in his backpack and ran with me by his side.

Unknown man's P.O.V

'OH MY FUCKING GOD' I wanted to scream out. That move was so fast I barely saw what happened before the other guy was on the ground with a bloody face. "Okay kid you are way too perfect to the point it's just creepy" I mumbled while still sitting on the roof of the school, "he really is huh" I heard my friend say through the little earplug I was wearing.


I might have made Izuku a bit overpowered but I mean he deserves it, in cannon he should really stand up for himself a bit more. If I have to be honest I don't even like cannon Izuku that much, I don't hate him I just have to much critique on him; don't come at me pleaseXD. Who I do like a lot is Hitoshi so I added him. My favourite character probably is Denki though, he's not even in my story yet, I should put him in it. Well anyway I think this was a decent chapter, if you have ideas or corrections don't be afraid to tell me. I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day, or night.

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