Part 32

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Izuku's P.O.V.

"Hey honey" Mom said the second I walked into the room, 'I'm so lucky with a mother like her, she dealt with my hero obsession since I was a kid. She dealt with the fact her son then completely changed over night. She could handle the fact I started disappearing more and more. She didn't ask questions when I got called in by Masako at 4 in the morning and left with nothing but a note on the fridge. She dealt with the fact I started eating more and more, she did it all. 

"Come I already finished making dinner, there's a documentary about someone called Swandive on the tv" My heart skipped a few beats, "It's gonna start soon, could you please grab the food. We can eat in front of the television today" Oh shit, since when does she care about Swandive. If she figures out it's me I'm in huge trouble, no one knows and she is the last that should figure it out. "Honey?, you okay you look a bit pale" she said now standing up, "Yea I'm okay, I'll grab the food"

Keigo's P.O.V.

"Are you sure you wanna do this, you look nervous and I don't want to push you into doing anything. I went to far last night by guilt tripping you" I told my dressing boyfriend with shame in my voice. "Keigo stop, it's okay. You were right, I am terrified but I should stop letting that stop me." He replied his fear covered with determination. 

We agreed to meet up in the forest nearby, we can't just go to a café because of how recognisable Touya is. Not that Akari will mind, he never liked pubic places; their both basically just socially awkward men. I took Touya's shaking hands and walked him out of the bedroom, we never told the league but we're pretty sure they just know by now. 

"Dabi and I are just gonna go walk a bit, we'll be back before dinner so Himiko if you eat my Nikuman I will hunt you for the rest of your life." I yelled in the direction of the common space, they still don't know Touya's real name. "Ahwwww come on! Magne's pork buns are way to good" She whined back, "Don't even think about it" I love Nikuman's, and so does everyone here. Magne makes them sometimes and I will fight for them, I focused my attention on Touya again. "Let's go" He grunted while dragging me out of the base, "So which way?" he asked this time with the sweet tone he usually puts on when he's with me. 

"We're here" I said while sitting against a tree, Touya seemed to nervous to even hink about sitting down. "Babe, he's not here yet. Come on sit down" I told him hoping he would at least steady himself a little bit, he awkwardly sat down like half a meter away from me. I stood up sat close to him and put my hand over his waiting for him to connect them, he visibly relaxed a bit while turning his hand so his palm faced mine. He intertwined our fingers and put his head on my shoulders, he let out a deep sight "Do you think he'll like me?" he asked me nervously. "A-and if he doesn't, will you stay by my side?" oh so this is what has been bugging him, "Listen very closely to me Touya, no matter what happens I'll stay by your side. The world can end and I'll still stay close to you, we got separated once and I'm not letting you go. Never again."

Gima's P.O.V.

I got there way before I have to be but I want to see how they are with the two of them, not how he is with acting; I want to see his true self. I climbed in the biggest tree I could find around the spot we decided to meet, I sat there for a few minutes until they got here. 'Oh god poor kid, he's so nervous.' the boy didn't even sit down. He looks like you'd expect a villain to look but he doesn't actually seem bad. When someone has lost their humanity it's visible in his eyes, this boy is clearly been through a lot but he's not a bad person.

"Babe, he's not here yet. Come on sit down" Of course he would tell him to sit down, he sat down but far away from Keigo. Where is this shit going, 'Keigo cares about him a lot' was the thought going through my mind when he moved closer to him and offered his hand. The boy let out a sight while he put his head on Kei's shoulder and started to talk.

"Do you think he'll like me?" this big guy asked with the softest voice I could imagine and he wasn't even finished. "A-and if he doesn't, will you stay by my side?" He is broken but se kind, who would even ask this question; I was shocked but Kei clearly wasn't. "Listen very closely to me Touya, no matter what happens I'll stay by your side. The world can end and I'll still stay close to you, we got separated once and I'm not letting you go. Never again." They have clearly been through a lot together, the way they comfort each other, the way they kindly touch the other; I aprove of this. 

"He's a good one Kei" I said while jumping down, the boy jumped up and in front of Keigo ready to attack. His first priority is Kei, he jumped in a reflex. "Calm down" I heard Kei whisper in The kid's ear while putting a hand on his shoulder. He stepped in front of the kid and decided to introduce us "Touya this is Akari Gima, Gim this is Touya"

"Hello sir it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Keigo has told me a lot about you" The kid answered now looking very confident and layed back, 'so he can act huh' 

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