Part 29

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Izuku's P.O.V.

"Time went fast didn't it? The entrance exams will start soon" I said to Hitoshi who was walking next to me, school had just ended and we got the talk about future schools and a paper we needed to fill in the last week of school. "Yea it's crazy, it feels like yesterday that we were the target of bullies and you couldn't fight back" He chuckled, "Yea remember that kid I broke the nose of, he passed out cold. Unbelievable, that was almost two years ago" I replied "yeaaaaa, we haven't seen him since. The fucker actually left school." he laughed. "Yea, you know which school you wanna try out for yet" I asked him, "I mean you know I'm gonna try out UA but I think I'll try out for Isamu Academy or Seiai Academy." He replied "Yea, I'm not sure yet. I would try out for UA but I'm not so sure about becoming a hero anymore, and I wouldn't even get in anyway." I stated, the not getting in was an excuse I knew damn well I could easily get in. "Oh no we're not doing that again, dude you can fight like crazy, your morals are higher than Tokyo tower and you're fast, like creepily fast. Not to mention your ability to read people, you can always tell when someone is lying." He replied with a kinda pissed voice, not the one you use when someone is angry but the one they use when you want to give up something they don't want you to. "I'll think about it, well anyway I have to go here. Bye Hitoshi" I put a quick kiss on his lips and walked towards the forest. 

Masako's P.O.V.

"Finally there you are" I said when the teen I decided to take under my wing walked in, "God Masako you have zero patience." Gima replied, "Sorry guys but sadly I'm only fifteen and still have school" Izuku replied sarcastically. "Oh yea about that, I think it would be good for you to get into UA. I know you won't be a hero but you can put your morals on the next generation of heroes, it could be an gamechanger." I told him, I knew he had his doubts and of course I think it's important to get the next generation of heroes a set of morals but I don't want him to give up the longterm dream he always had either. Join UA and change the world for the better, he's pretty far towards changing the world. The gigantic fanbase he has in incredible, he isn't even sixteen but this boy is as populair as Allmight at this point; he gets a lot of hate but even more support. "You think so?" He asked, "Of course I do, what's a better way to change the world then to change the believes of the next big heroes?" I replied truthfully, "But what about them finding out I'm Swandive, my fighting style is pretty recognisable" He said. 

"What about if you change your weapon arsenal and I can maybe teach you the basics of street fighting, it's similar to your style but it focuses more on strength and it's less efficient. If you add those together you won't be recognized easily and you'll fight more like a typical hero instead of an actual fighter" Akari replied. "You know what let's do it" Midoria said in full confidence this time.

"Okay next topic, the league has been acting up again, anyone any idea about how to stop them?"

Keigo's P.O.V.

"Okay next topic, the league has been acting up again, anyone any idea about how to stop them?" I panicked a bit, I basically had joined the league; I didn't leak information to any side but I was getting tired of having to pretend to not know anything. "I figured out one of the members, his name is Kenji Hikiishi. He's the tall guy with the shoulder length hair and the sunglasses, he usually gets called Magne by his league." Akari said loudly, "Her" I corrected him. "What?" Oh fuck, I didn't realize I even did it. "I uhh heard the league call her she" I replied hoping it would save my stupid mistake. "Hey can I please talk with you in private for a minute" I heard Akari ask me, "S-sure I guess" I'm nervous and scared at this point.

"So what do you know about the league?" he asked me, "What do you mean, my mission failed I don't know anything" 'Shit that was to defensive'. "Listen kid, I've known you since you were fourteen, I know your tells. I decided to ignore the obvious change but it has something to do with the league so I'm not going to back down now." He paused "Now answer me honestly, what do you know?"

Izuku's P.O.V.

"What was that all about?" I asked Aikawa, "You know how they have a long history right?" I nodded, "Well Aki finally snapped, he has been acting off and less like a part of the team. it has been going on for quite a while, we thought he just found a girlfriend or something but we've been suspecting it has to do with the league. The strange thing is that Keigo is an amazing liar so we can't exactly figure out why everything is so obvious right now." he answered me. "Well it makes sense, Keigo can lie really well but was always on his own, I think that's what changed. He probably found people to lie for, and he's not used to that; he was always alone." I replied truly believing my theory. My mind went to Shinsou pretty quick, or more to that I haven't told anyone; I hate lying but I have a lot of secrets. The being a vigilante is actually easier to hide then the relationship, it's about how much a secret means not about how big the secret actually is. 

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