Part 25

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Keigo' P.O.V.

I couldn't stop smiling, it has been hours of just talking about everything that's been going on in our lives. It has been a long time since I felt so free, I'm in a villains hideout filled with the most dangerous people in all of japan and I haven't felt saver in years. I decided not to tell him about my vigilante career, it wouldn't be just me I'd be putting in danger. No, it would be the whole cru. "Hey Tou, you wanna go get some food?" I asked him feeling the urge to get some chicken nuggets, "Let me guess. Chicken nuggets" he answered chuckling. "You know me to well" I replied bursting into laughter. He as the smooth bastard he is just winked, 'god he's gorgeous' I thought but instead of telling him that I just rolled my eyes while getting up. "So Mc Donald's it is"

Izuku's P.O.V.

This is awesome, this entire suit has so many features and it's all thought out so well. I trained with Aikawa for a bit and kept getting floored, "I won't let you go on patrol until you learn how to move in the suit properly" he told me mockingly while pinning me to the ground. He might be saying it like he's joking but I know damn well he isn't, 'I am going on this patrol'. I pushed myself away from under him and used the soles of my shoes to make a big leap onto his back, I used an old technique he once told me and put my feet on his thighs and use the steady spot for my feet to jump over his body. It worked; for the force used in the jump he was caught of guard and got the power in his legs limited. I was now in front of him with the bo and used it to pull his legs from under him, the second he fell I pulled the bo apart to show the swords and put one to his throat. I squatted down till my face was next to his ear "So, will we go on patrol now" I told him in a smug voice. "God kid you keep surprising me, about ten fucking minutes ago you fell because you couldn't walk on the shoes and released gasses on accident." he replied with a pissed off voice, but the kind a father uses when their kid does something their not supposed to do but is secretly very proud. Not that I would know. "Sore loser" I chuckled while standing up and clicking the swords into the handels so I could put them on the belt again.

Masako's P.O.V.

All this little brat needs to do something is determination, he will win out of pure fucking spite. You can barely see the fragile insecure kid he used to be, of course he has always shown great courage and strength but he's like a diamond; a regular looking stone, but given proper care the most beautiful and strongest thing there is. "Let's get some food, we'll need the energy." 

Hitoshi's P.O.V.

"Sooo, we've waited an entire day now tell us about him. How does he look? What's his favourite colour? What about his family? OH his full name we only know his first name is Izuku. When are we gonna meet him? TELL USSSSSS" Pap yelled excited, "Yeez jam's I love you to death but for the love of god stop screaming" Dad told papa with his constantly tired voice. "But I do wanna know" Dad replied a bit more curiosity now, "Well to bad because I'm not gonna tell you anything aside from the fact he makes me happy and I trust him with my life." I told them knowing I wasn't going to tell them anything, it might sound rude and stupid but everything is new for me. "WHAT WHYYYY??" Papa whined again, "Because all of this is new territory for me and I want the chance to figure out all of this myself, without anyone interfering" I said without any hesitation, "You know what kid, that's really smart and responsible. I think it's a smart decision" Dad replied actually sounding extremely proud. "But Shotaaaa" Pap once again half whined, dad just started chuckling. "I'm proud of you kid, never forget that"

Izuku's P.O.V.

"Okay so, after the food we'll go to the Meguro area almost all of the criminals there are low class. You still need to watch out of course because there are always some good fighters and they always move in groups, but with all your training and your knowledge of the area you should be fine" He spoke while putting the Katsu don he made on the table, "Thank you. For everything"

We moved using the buildings, I love it; it all feels so free. We arrived at the spot Masako wanted to go in about fifteen minutes, "Remember, you want to make sure they have no idea about your name, age or even gender. But they need to know you're out here and ready to stop crime." I heard through my earpiece, Masako is with me but on the other side of the road to make sure if I miss it'll be okay. "Now save the woman"

I jumped down towards the zeven men who grabbed the woman's purse while pinning her to the wall, I almost gagged when I saw two of the man completely focused on the body of the woman. "Now now that's not how you treat a lady is it" I asked with the voice distortion once I was behind them, the biggest man who seemed to be the leader replied. "Listen, it's zeven against one, I'm in a generous mood so if you go run to your mommy now I wont hunt you down. Do we have a deal?" He said in a threathening tone, "Actually I like my odds" I said while punchig him in the face and grabbing my bo. "Last chance to run"

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