Part 2

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Unknown man's P.O.V.

Allmight left quickly after he embarrassed the kid, I was about to follow this fake ass hero until I heard the kid mumble things kids his age usually don't think of after their dreams get crushed, or anyone in general to be honest. He was talking about how fucked up this society in reality is, he realized what's going on a lot younger than anyone I have ever known has. This kid has some serious potential, although he is really young, fragile and looks like he hasn't fought a single person in his life.

I decided to try and talk to him, just introduce myself maybe even get some way to contact him, I was already behind him and midway my sentence when he noticed me. I realized he wasn't as fragile as I thought he was when this dude turned around quicker then I believed to be humanely possible and threw his damn fist towards my face. If it wasn't for my years of training I wouldn't have been able to avoid it, 'damn this kid is fast'. "Oh my god sir I'm so sorry! I reacted before I could think, I was so lost in thought I didn't notice you standing there! Not that it's your fault of course, I mean I'm the one who almost hit you in th-" this kid was freaking out, acting like he just committed a murder or something, "Kid calm down it's okay" I interrupted his panicked apologies. "That's a pretty quick hit you got there, where did you learn that?" I asked, I couldn't keep the question in, "W-well I don't really know, I acted on pure instinct" he replied shyly. I'm getting more and more impressed by this kid every moment I'm in his presence, "Oh wow that's really cool, my name is-" I started before getting interrupted by his phone ringing. From what I understood of the conversation his mother wants him home, like right now.

After he hung up he quickly screamed a goodbye at me before running off with this crazy speed of him once again. 'Damn this kid is so fast, is that even human' I questioned myself right before I realized I have no way to contact the boy. I tried yelling but I couldn't even see him anymore so I decided to make a quick call to someome I knew I could trust. He picked up and before giving him the chance to say anything I gave him one simple order: "Follow the green kid, figure out everything there is to know about him"

Izuku's P.O.V


~🚨 Mention of sexual harassment 🚨~

Izuku's P.O.V

"Mom, please tell my why you are hurt so bad, you have bruises all over your body." I said in a voice filled with terror, I haven't felt this way in such a long time. She stayed really quiet, then I noticed some of the bruises had the form of a hand "Mom... who did this" I said almost breaking down into tears, I saw mom let out a little tear. "Mom who was it, we can ask the heroes to fi-" 

"Endeavor!, i-it was endeavor" She threw out nervously with the tears now rolling down her face. 'OF FUCKING COURSE, the man who hurt and I think even raped my mother was the number two fucking hero' I got so pissed I almost stood up to run straight to the damn agency he bosses around to beat this motherfucker to a pulp, the only thing that stopped me was my crying mother. Instead of beating this asshole to a pulp I hugged my mother tightly until she stopped crying, "It's going to be okay, I promise. I will stop this trail of fake heroism. Even if I die trying it's better then not doing anything." I whispered in her ear before I let her go. Without waiting for her reaction I walked to the kitchen to make the dinner she had planned on making, but there's no way in hell I'm gonna let her her do anything.

~🚨End T.W.🚨~

"Hello this is Izuku Midoria, I am sorry to inform you that Inko Midoria will stay home for at least a couple of days. I'd like to keep the reason unknown." I said still in the kitchen on the phone with the woman who works at the desk of my mother's office. "Oh hey Izuku sweety, I will write it down. Is your mom okay?" "She will be thank you for the concern, I'm cooking so I'll be hanging up now" I said right before I clicked on the red button to break the contact on my phone. Not very nice and polite like I usually am but it was a long day, a really really long day. 

I put on the water for the rice I was gonna cook while glancing toward my mother who was still on the couch. I let out a relieved sight when I saw she had put on one of her favorite soaps and was laughing to one of the jokes she had heard at least a hundred times before, it put a small smile on my face, you know the one a proud parent has on their face when their kid does something incredibly hard and they figured it out and then looks at you with the brightest smile.

I finished the dinner, we ate it sitting on the couch watching the soap mom put on. After about 2 hours I noticed she had fallen asleep next to me, I stood up quietly turned the TV off and put a blanket over my sleeping mother. I went upstairs and almost bursted out in laughter to the sight of my room filled with merch of the man I once adored more than anything.

And here is the second chapter, I'm not sure if I love or hate myself for this chapter but that doesn't really matter. I enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it, I have no clue where Inko works or if she even works at a place they have a front desk but for the sake of this story she does. Well that's it, hope you have a good time.

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