Part 20

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Aikawa's P.O.V.

I noticed the way Keigo looked when he walked in right away, this was the over confident facade he teds to put on when he just has an episode. I don't know what he went through but I do know that boy has gone through so much more then he should have, what he deserves is so different from what he got. "Are you just gonna keep staring at me or are we going to test the suit now?" He asked me or it wast really question he was just snarling at me, "Yea yea get into the suit" I replied while throwing the case at him, it sounds reckless I know but his reflexes are great and he has wings so he'll catch it. And of course he did, "Kay" he replied while walking into the separate room.

Hitoshi's P.O.V.

I'm way to nervous, he has been asking where we're going all day. On break I even called pap for advice on what to do, it's lame I know but he's confident and loud but he can be really sweet and helpful so I need his help. He was also the one to help me plan the date/confession thingy, don't get me wrong I love both my dad's to death but with dating papa is the one to ask. He convinced me to keep it a secret and just take him there after school.

The school day was finally over and my nerves got bigger by the second, I finally gave him the blindfold and lead him to the boat. I decided to take him sailing with me and go to the little island when it was time for diner, I know he loves boats, water and stars so I thought this would be the perfect place to go. "Okay open your eyes" I said, the nerves were now so bad I could barely speak. He grabbed the blindfold and slowly let if fall rom his eyes, he was just staring not saying a word. 'Oh god he hates it, this was a stupid idea. I shouldn't have taken him, he's so quiet because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings but he hates it. Oh fuck what if he will never talk to me aga-' "My strain of thought was interrupted by two arms being wrapped around me tightly, "Hitoshi, it's beautiful thank you so much for taking me here. It's perfect, you know me so well thank you for being a part of my life." He said. "Y-you like it, really?" I said nervously, "Are you kidding me I love this"

Izuku's P.O.V.

He overdid himself, I couldn't get a single word out of my mouth. I was in a state of pure shock, I knew he would do something but this is beautiful. 

"L-lets go on the boat, I rented i-it, if you don't want to that'-" "You even rented a boat!?" I interrupted his mumbling. "Yea I remembered you told me you likes sailing a while back" He chuckled a bit nervous, "Y-you remembered that" I felt my cheeks start to glow red slightly, "Of course I did, let's just get in" 

We were sailing for hours, it was a small boat but I loved it, it started a bit awkward for some reason but that quickly shifted to fun and laughs. Hito fell in the lake at some point and I laughed so hard my cheeks started to hurt, until he dragged me in as some kind of revenge. It was getting dark and I was getting a bit hungry. "Hey let's go to the place I set up dinner shall we?" Hito said like he could read my mind. "Yea let's go"

Hitoshi's P.O.V.

It was so much fun, I kept being reminded why I love him so much. All those little things he does make me smile, the way his eyes sparkle when he sees something pretty, the way he mumbles when he's exited about something, the way his he moves his hands with every sentence, the way he laughs when I tell a dumb joke, the way his voice sounds, the way he puts one hand over his stomach when he's hungry, I love everything about him. I fell into the lake and I would do it a hundred times over just to keep seeing that smile on his face.

Keigo's P.O.V.

The testing of the suit went really smooth, noting much to talk about. Everything worked exactly like it should. The suit was completely bulletproof and could even witstand knives to a certain extend. I was almost done with the weapon, Izuku tends to use a bo, gasses, knives and two swords so I decided to make something the had three of those in it. I created a bo that you could open in the middle to create short swords and I even modified it to let one end hold chlorine, the gas he uses most to make people pass out  when he thinks he cant handle it' and normal smoke to make him disappear without a trace. His mask is a gasmask so no matter what gasses he uses he wont be affected, he even has gear on his eyes to make sure they won't get irritated from the smoke. 

I was just laying on the couch when my phone rang, it was Shigaraki. "Hello hawks, I believe you're trustworthy. I believe your only intentions are to join the league of villains so I will allow you in our base and meet the other members, be ready in an hour, don't disappoint me." He hung up before I could respond but oh my god, he finally trusts me, I had only met him and only on random locations so to meet the rest and even see their base is huge progress. "Who was that?" Masako asked me after a while of me just staring into space, "I've made some progress, I'm gonna meet the lov at their base in an hour!" I screamed in excitement, it finally clicked. I can make a difference.

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