Part 1

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Izuku's P.O.V

There right in front of me he stood. My biggest idol, the man I looked up to more than anyone in this world, the man I wish to be equal to one day. I was gonna do it, I was gonna ask the question that had been bugging me ever since I turned four years old, the question everyone always made fun of me for: "Can I become a hero like you even without a quirk of my own?" I asked the man in front of me with a hopeful voice. He looked at me and just laughed, the man I thought would support me, who I thought would tell me no goal was unreachable if you worked hard enough for it, who I thought to be kind just laughed. Between his seemingly endless laughter he managed to crush my hopes, dreams and my last bit of faith in humanity: "You're kidding me right, a quirkless kid like yourself becoming a hero like me?! are you kidding me, kid I can't see a single situation in which that's going to happen, you might as well give it up and leave being a hero to the people who can actually achieve something. Go clean toilets or something, that's what your kind does" And right then and there on the disgusting street far away from the busy centre of the city reality hit, I was holding onto a kids dream. The dream of a 4 year old, the dream of a boy who refused to see reality. A dream that's unreachable, so many people had told me and now I heard it once again. From the man I had looked up ever since I heard of his existence.

His laughter kept ringing in my ear, I couldn't get it out of my head. The more I thought about what happened the more I realized, I didn't only get struck by reality. No what struck was society, we put so much power in the people we call heroes they can do anything they want. This man just stood there and shattered my hopes and dreams, people like him are the reason not everyone gets the help they deserve. People die everyday just because 'their quirk isn't suited for the situation' we've been taught to rely on them, no matter what happens we will not do anything unless they tell us to. We're like ants, we do everything they tell us to. I am not gonna be apart of this, I will make people see, I will make them realize how fucked up we all are. I will show them we're nothing but loyal subjects to them, a bunch of pawns they can use for their own sake. I will change the system we seem to be stuck in, I will break the cycle, even if it's the last thing I'll do.

"Hey kid I heard your mumb-" I was lost in thoughts so far I hadn't even realized there was someone behind me, without thinking I turned around and got in a fighting stance, I threw my fist toward the face of this unknown man. I moved faster then my brain could think, I threw my fist without even realizing what was happening. This man dodged and grabbed my fist right before it would've hit him, "Oh my god sir I'm so sorry! I reacted before I could think, I was so lost in thought I didn't notice you standing there! Not that it's your fault of course, I mean I'm the one who almost hit you in th-" 

"-Kid calm down it's okay" The man interrupted my streak of apologies. "That's a pretty quick hit you got there, where did you learn that?" the slightly tinted man asked. I noticed he had blonde hair and blue eyes, he looked strong yet kind "W-well I don't really know, I acted on pure instinct" I replied unsure of his intentions. "Oh wow that's pretty cool, my name is-"

My phone rang interrupting the man, I was about to hang up when I saw the caller was my mother. "Hey honey, could you please get home as soon as you can."  I heard my mother mumble quietly "Mom are you okay?, I will be there in ten minutes okay?" "Thank you, please hurry " she said the last part so soft I could barely hear her, "I will, love you mom" I said before hanging up an running off as fast as I could completely ignoring the man I was talking to.

The unknown man's P.O.V

I have been following Allmight for ages, waiting for him to fuck up and drop his facade of the good guy. This asshole is the biggest reason people today are the way they are, mindless puppets, just a bunch of idiots playing follow the leader. I hate this man, this world is so focused on your quirk that nothing else matters anymore. People with villainous quirks don't have a chance and it's even worse for the people without a quirk at all. And it's because of people like him this is the way everything works, your influence is measured by the strength of your quirk, not the brains you have. Your mind isn't important all that matters is the raw strength your born with.

A boy with green puffy hair and eyes that looked sweet and intimidating at the same time walked toward Allmight. The kid seemed to be around the age of 13 maybe 14 this boy looked the pretty intimidation man straight in the eyes and asked him: "Can I become a hero like you even without a quirk of my own?" This kid was clearly not aware how much of a dick Allmight is, but he's about to learn. 

This piece of literal trash of a man had the heart to laugh and make fun of a 13 year old in front of him. It's a miracle the media hasn't figured this out yet, the world would turn upside down.


Hi, I'm new to writing but love it non the less. I started writing this quite some time ago and finally decided to post it. I am not that found of the first part of this story but I hope it's good enough to post, I hope you liked this. If you did buckle up because it's going to be a bumpy ride from here, there will be ups and downs but this is something I love doing. I will keep writing and would love some criticism and ideas from people outside my own head, next part will be up tomorrow. 

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