Part 42

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Keigo's P.O.V.

I knew he was serious, he kicked me out so I ran. I had seen the recording a day after the incident on the police report and hid it hoping no one would find it ever again, I'm scaring myself. I was laughing in the recording, what happened to the Keigo I know I am, I want to make things better instead I helped kill police. I kept running trying to ignore my own thought, I ran for hours until finally I stood in front of the place I've called home for months, where it usually felt like I entered a miracle palace when I walk in it now felt like a trap. It felt like a place I shouldn't be, my breath got heavier and my heart beat got faster. I barely even registered the arms picking me up, I wasn't seeing normally and everything seemed like a dream- or a nightmare if I have to be honest, I noticed the tears but still only saw dots so I closed my eyes. My body told me to fight but I don't care anymore, everything felt heavy and in pain I heard people talking and yelling but it all felt distant like I was underwater. I gave into the temptation to close my eyes and hoped the voices would stop, 'Please let this be a bad dream'

Hitoshi's P.O.V.

After about twenty minutes of jogging and racing every once in a while we walked trough the gates of UA, "Is it just me or does it feel like I'm finally where I'm supposed to be?" I asked Izuku sighting, finally I'm walking in my dad's footsteps, this is the first step to becoming the hero I want to be. 

"Yea I'm just very nervous" He answered looking around anxiously, he's the only one with a belt with two knives three third of my forearm strapped to it, some weird disk on his left arm and a boomerang on his back. We're standing out pretty bad and knowing Izuku that made him anxious ass hell, he's always been like that. "Don't worry the written exam is gonna start soon, let's go" I grabbed his hand and lead him towards the entrance of the school, I followed the signs leading us to a big hall with desks. "It's going to be okay, even if you are at half brain capacity you'll get through this easily" I squeezed his hand, I thought about giving him a peck but decided against it once I looked around and saw the hall was already halfway filled with kids, 

"You'll do great"

Izuku's P.O.V.

Hitoshi was right and the written exams we're really easy, I expected it to be a lot more difficult if I have to be honest. Because I finished early the dog like man told me to go to the warming up area where I would be allowed to just do something for myself.

"Oh hey, you're finished already?" I heard a strange voice say behind me, "Uh yea, I expected the exams to be a bit more difficult" I said turning around to reveal a girl with pink hair and strange goggles on her face, "Yea it was pretty easy, I wanna join the support course, what about you?" she asked me getting even closer to my face now, "I would like to join the hero course" I lied backing away a bit. "That's a shame, you seem to have an interesting invention" she said once again almost pressing her body to mine, "Show me" she said right before grabbing the Tron-disc of my arm; after taking it she backed away quickly. In a reflex I activated the glove and catched it, "Please don't touch my stuff without a warning" I told the girl I still didn't even know the name of. "Warning!" She almost yelled excitedly before taking it again, I decided letting her look at it would be easier then taking it again, she's rude but if I have to be honest she's interesting as well. She kept turning it around and looking at it in every angle taking in each little detail with her clearly skilled eye.

"How did you make it shoot towards you again?!" She got really close to me again but this time it didn't scare me and just answered, "With this glove, it's connected to this glove by a specific magnetic force field. It's not magnetic but it is connected to me so I can throw it without losing it" I answered her, "Show me" she said sternly handing me my disc again. 'This girl is something else', I took my disk and threw it hard towards the dummies on the other side of the field. I usually can't throw it that far but I wanted to try it, it easily hit target slicing the fake throats with the knives that had shot out once it left my hand. I looked to my side after I catched it and noticed her muttering something about babies, ideas, magnetic fields, power rings and about some Nejire. 

"You okay?" I asked the mumbling girl "YES YOU GAVE ME AN IDEA. If I use my baby number twenty-five and combine it with the blueprint of baby thirty-nine I can use the friction a speed type creates and set it into power which I can turn into rings which can be used to throw and thereby turn friction into power rings making an efficient weapon for people like Ingenium!" she screamed at my face, I didn't understand a word she just said but if I have to guess she'll create similar weapons, "You understand how these work by watching them get thrown one time?" I asked her skeptical, "Their not that difficult probably a six but their interesting concepts" she's way to honest. "You really don't have a filter do you" I asked her sarcastically, "Nope, my name is Mei Hatsume by the way" this was the last thing she yelled before running off again.

"Hello candidates, are you ready to start the physical exams?!" I heard a loud voice yell out over the field now filled with students.

"I hope you are because I'm only going to explain in once!"


I know they did the explanation in the building but this seemed easier. 

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