Part 39

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Keigo's P.O.V.

After Touya quickly burned through the cuffs of our least members we were back teleported to the league, "Oh come on I was having funnnnnn!" Himi whined for the tenth time, "Yea I never get to actually do stuff like that" Spinner added clearly pissed off. 

"Seriously you would've been stuck in prison if I wouldn't have come" I added in, honestly I thought the whole thing was rather amusing but someone had to see the reality in a situation. "Listen it took me more then an hour to find you all, I don't want that again, imagine if I would've been to late" I mumbled after everyone stopped yelling, "All of you will keep one of my feathers with you at all time, that way I'll be able to locate you at any time." I paused "Oh and To-Dabi watch out with your flames, their not fireproof" I added looking at Touya.

"Oh yea I meant to ask, you have been a member forever, why don't you tell us your name. We won't use it if it makes you uncomfortable but we should be allowed to know" Magne said, she's usually rather quiet but I guess they really want to know. "At least tell us why you won't tell us" She continued when Touya stayed quiet.

"Listen, the trauma I went through at my house is immense. I- you won't let me stay when you figure out who I really am, you won't ever see me the same" Touya said after a good twenty second, his voice was quiet and broken. "Wait trauma? what do you mean?" Himi asked, this girl has no filter but I can't blame her for being curious. "Abuse, my scars, my trauma, my pain, my fear... it's all at the place I'm supposed to call home, the man I'm supposed to call father" this time his voice was barely more then a whisper, I saw the shock on the faces of the rest of the league. The fact they didn't figure out who he was or at least why he is the way he is is a miracle but I mean he tends to keep things to himself. 

"The only one I still see is my little brother, he's the only one of my family that even knows who I've become" His voice became softer once he mentioned Shoto, I know he meets up with him sometime but I have never seen him before . 

"You've come this far, you will always be our Dabi no matter your name. It's okay you can tell us" Kurogiri told him, he does have some tact.

"My name is Touya" He struggled while looking at me, I gave him a reassuring smile and he continued,

"Touya Todoroki"

Izuku's P.O.V.

I've made my decision, I will join the general studies; I don't think I'm good enough at creating gadgets to go to support and I wanna become someone they can idolize by climbing up. Kei texted me an apology and said he wouldn't get back today and he'll be glad to hear my decision tomorrow, Akari and I trained for a bit but nothing really interesting. 

"Izuku it's time! have you made your decision?" Masako yelled from behind the door, I was just throwing the disk at a random dummy. "Yea, I'll be there in a moment" I replied before launching the disk back to me, I put the thing away and dried the sweat of my face with the towel I had thrown at the chair just a moment ago. 

"So I've been waiting curious for hours, tell me what did you choose" Masako asked right as I walked through the door, "Geez, Aikawa chill. let the kid at least sit down" Akari interfered. 

"I've decided I want to be an inspiration and an idol for anyone I see, I want to be someone people look up to." I paused looking at the expression the man in front of me made, "So I've decided to join general studies" I finished, I noticed Masako wasn't as disappointed as I had initially expected. I know he'd rather have me join 1A and if I really wanted 1B would be okay but he seemed relieved, he seemed proud. 

"I'm glad you made the decision that fits perfectly in your desires, I'm proud you figured out what you wanted them to think about you" Masako told me, "Yea, great job kid" Gima added. "Now you'll have exams this Saturday so rest a bit, no training for the remaining week" Aikawa said making a motion for me to leave. 

Hitoshi's P.O.V.

I'm gonna try and talk to him in after the exams, Izu keeps saying I shouldn't worry but he seems distant and hurt; every inch of my body is screaming at me to do something. I'm not gonna distract him right before the entrance exams but I can't keep pretending to not know him at all any longer. "So exams in two days huh" I heard the sweet voice of Izuku behind me, "Hey Zuzu" I recently figured out he doesn't like the nickname so I've been teasing him with it. "I will ignore you if you call me that again" he said with the face that always made me laugh, it was a bit of a pout but not necessarily sad just adorable. "You say that every time but you haven't ignored me once" he rolled his eyes, "Anyway we're walking there together right?" I asked while grabbing his hand. I like holding his hand,"Yea of course." 

"Oh yea I wanted to ask you, how are you going to get in? I mean your strong as hell but you're quirkless." I asked "Any plans yet?"

Knowing Izuku he had everything already planned out anyway, "Oh yea I forgot to tell you, I can fight with weapons and because I don't have a powertype quirk I'm allowed to use basically all weapons in the exam. And I have quite a few." 

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