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"Hey I am here, I'm so sorry I was late, it was hard conv-" as she shushed me by kissing me, "Shut up and look" She said as she leaned her head on my shoulder and looked at her painting. She has the same hands as Mingyu's no wonder she could make an exact replica. "Wow, that's amazing, its like he made another original, he really is here with us, he's in you." I said looking at her pointing at her heart.

10 mins later

Sitting down on a blanket, my arm wrapped around hers looking at the sky and delicious food. "Kookie" She said facing me, "Yes" I said. "Why did you kill him?" She said and everything turned black. Mingyu shows up hugging his sister looking pale and bruised up. "Yes Jungkook, why did you do it." as everything started closing in, Namjoon comes up behind me covering my mouth and everything and everyone starts gaining up. Whispers. 



End of Flashback

"Jungkook, Jungkook" Jimin said as he helped me up. "A fuck, what the hell happened." I said holding my head. Everyone in the room, silent. "What happened, why yall looking at me like that?" I said getting up. "Jungkook, you were in a bad accident, 2 months ago remember?" Namjoon said sitting down in the corner of the room. "Wait, what do you mean?" I said looking at everyone, "Jungkook, your car was upside down when we found you, the man who hit you ran, but it took us awhile to look for him and now we did." Seokjin said leaning on my bed. "We took care of him alright" Namjoon said, "Coma? for 2 months? How come I can't remember anything beyond past that?" I said, "The doctor said you have a minor memory loss, but you should regain it back little by little." Hoseok said drinking water. "Also.." Jimin said sitting beside me, why is he so close to me? a little to close if you ask me. "Ah okay, okay, aish. Im hungry let's go get food." I said trying to get up, but as I try, my leg aren't moving, nor I can't feel them. "Jungkook, you can't walk anymore." Taehyung said looking down. "WHAT? NO WHAT. Stop this isn't a joke." I said as I got up but fell on the cold hard floor."Jungko-" Jimin said as he tried to help me up."NO STOP, I can do this." but I couldn't. 

Jimin POV

"NO STOP, I can do this" He said as he faced his head on the ground, but when I tried to help him again, he refused and let Hoseok and Taehyung help him. The doctor said he will forget behind that point at the accident. I don't think he's mine, I lost him. 

We took him home after a few days, and I would try so much for him to remember us, and our relationship. He's been so hard on me these past couple of days. I was eating peacefully downstairs until I heard a big loud crash coming from upstairs, "FUCK!!!!!!" Jungkook screamed, I ran upstairs as fast as I can, "I don't need your help" He said as he layed on the floor. "Jungkook, You are paralyzed from the waist down, what the hell were you doing." I said picking up the mess around him, "I was trying to go downstairs for some milk" He said clinching his fist."You could just texted me, I would of got it for you." As I helped him get on his wheelchair, "Don't touch me, why are you so touchy." He said as he wheeled down to the elevator, I stopped the doors from closing and went inside with him. "I can get it myself, I don't need your help." He said wheeling away to the kitchen. "Jungkook" I said, "STOP TOUCHING ME DUDE, WE AREN'T LIKE THAT." He said and stormed off. 

This is going to be the hardest, maybe he is just upset that I have to see him like this. It kills me every-time he tries to walk again. His face of hoping that he could walk and be a miracle but ever time he falls, the face of fury, disappointment, anger builds inside him. Part of me thinks what if he never cooperates with me, and never remembers. He has physical therapy tomorrow, and Namjoon told me to be with him every single day of that. This is hard, will I be strong enough for this, will he?

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