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Namjoon POV

I sat in my room watching my security camera I set up just in case anything happens. I can believe the hyungs are stupid to keep a secret from me yet they don't notice the camera in their room. But I don't blame them, Im awful, who would tell me their secrets. Its my fault that they lost their trust on me. I turned off the camera, and went to bed.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in" I said getting up from my bed, "Hey, Namjoon...can I talk to you?" Seokjin said as he sat on the corner of my bed. Is he going to talk to me, secret? 

Seokjin POV

I am finally going to talk to Namjoon about hurting me, and how I still dearly love him, and what he was going to say during our last meeting. "Yeah" He said and looked at me, I finally have his attention. "Stop..." I said as I was hesitating, I am really scared. "I know." He said as he looked down, "Im sorry, Im not abusive, I am just stressed, scared...and I don't know what to do." He said as he played with the loose string on his pajamas.

"Its okay, I know you . I can help you." I said touching his hand and looked at me, "Im sorry, terribly...I will do this for you and the hyungs." He said and looked at me deeply. 

The Next Day

Jimin POV

I went inside Jungkook's room and the first thing I did was jump on him and kissed him, he smiled and put me down."you are so small oh my!" He said as he looked at me,"Stoppp" I said and sat down, I noticed Jungkook took out a black box from his closet, "What's that?"I said curiously acting like I don't know what is going on."This is a necklace, I know this is weird and too soon but I got these for us, to show you that no matter where I am or you are we are there for each other." He said as he hands me the necklace,"Not to soon at all, I love this, its cute, I will treasure it for ever." I said and put it on.

Jungkook POV

Im really happy, I finally got what I wanted. It seems too real, like a dream. What ever it is I wish it never ends. I saw Seokjin in his room using his laptop and looked happy so I went in to to see whats up."Hey why are you so happy?" I said and sat beside him,"Nothing" he said as I saw a picture of a girl on his laptop, "wait who's that?" As I shoved my arm on his stomach in a playful way, "It's not what you think!" He said as he stopped me from shoving him."Then?" I said clueless,"OK, don't tell Taehyung it's a surprise but I found his lover" He said as I jumped so happily like a fan girl,"What really! when are you going to tell him?" I said,"today when he comes home. He's been looking for her, he should be home by an hour." He said as he closed his laptop. 

Taehyung literally has been going out looking for her as Jin was saying, It's been months. Who knows, she could have a boyfriend or something. But in her Facebook account it doesn't saying anything about a man or anything, hoping she doesn't so she can finally meet Taehyung again.


I am so tired, I am so close to just giving up on her. She's no where to be found, she probably moved or has a boyfriend by now. As I walking to the other side of the rode, I saw a red car and as I looked inside I thought it was her, but it wasn't. I got my hopes up for nothing, there goes the love of my life.

I got home, and I saw Seokjin looking at me so sad, "Hyung come with me..." he said, what happened? Did he found her and she died? or ??. "Look.." He said as he showed me his laptop, "YOU FOUND HER!!!" I said happily as Seokjin was jumping along with me,"I wanted it to be a surprise but I couldn't wait so yeah...!" He said but I didn't quite hear him when I was looking for her address and ran out the door.

Wow she lives so far away, its been a 2 hours drive but it's worth it. I finally got to the neighborhood and saw the same red car, but it wasn't her how could she be in her house? I slowly approached to knock the door, I am so nervous. Someone is opening the door and as they opened it.



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