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Jimin POV

The feeling of her lips touching within mine felt like heaven. She was so good, and beautiful. But I cannot be in love with my victim, as much as I want too but my brothers won't except that. None of them have fell in love once, if they ever feel anything towards the victim or the victim falls in love. Oh no, they will get rid of them for good. I have no choice but to let this one go.

I woke up, seeing her sleeping on my chest. I slowly got her off me quietly and able to make it and pulled the handle in my room to call my brothers to help me get rid of her for good.

"We are here brother" Namjoon said as he slowly put a morphine on her neck and took her to the basement.

"Hand me the coffin..." I said as I slowly put her inside feeling remorse for her.

I closed the coffin and watched the coffin slowly going into the fire and burn. We all left the basement and head up to our rooms, since it's our obligation whenever we get rid of a victim. I remembered how she kissed my body slowly down to my neck and lower abdomen, I started missing her, feeling very bad of letting her go. 

To be very honest, I hated it. I hated that a girl has to sign a contract to have sex with her whenever I please or for my amusement. My brothers always told me it was like medicine for us that we need it every Friday at 7, if you feel nothing for the victim and neither does she, she is free to go and comeback for the next level.

The next Level is playing, if you think of playing as like playing around, no. Playing for us is, going to room full of whips and things they use to torture people or as people call it sex toys. I hate it most of all but I have to do it, one day I will fall in love and break the rules and hope one day that my brother will get tired of it and take a risk. But it's not today.


Today we have a meeting in the living room, where we all talk about how our victims were and plan for our next submission. Namjoon is our leader, he tells us what to do and what not to do. He approves of any girl that we bring, the female has to be very beautiful and Korean, they have to be at least 4 inches smaller than us, and have to wear make up whenever we start mating. Namjoon looked at me since I was the first to sit in the first seat on the left side of the table.

"Jimin, You will find your next victim at a Bar on Monday at 7 pm."

"Seokjin, your victim may proceed to level 3"

"Yoongi, you have completed the first stage. You may now proceed to stage 2. You will find your next victim anywhere at anytime, seduce your victims only on the weekends."

"Jungkook, you will find your next victim at a club starting Monday at 7 pm"

"Hoseok, you completed stage 2, you will do whatever you please. But always get rid of them if they feel any emotions for you."

"we are done here"

See how I deal with everyday...I feel like I'm in a dystopian society in my very own house and Namjoon is the dictator. One day I will change things around.

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