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The room erupted into chaos as riot and fighting unfolded. Yoongi, vigilant amidst the turmoil, observed Joo-won poised to grab the nearest object to strike Taehyun. "Taehyung, look out!" Yoongi urgently exclaimed. Taehyung, responsive to the warning, swiftly ducked down. Realizing she had missed her target, Joo-won made a hasty retreat, attempting to evade what could have been her last chance. In pursuit, Taehyung ran at full speed, delivering a decisive blow to one of Jaehyun's goons. Pain and confusion overwhelmed him, yet he remained indifferent to his cracked ribs and blood dripping down his face. His singular focus was on capturing the individual who had taken away his loved ones.

Later, Joo-won, thinking she had successfully escaped, found herself confronted by Ye-Ri, who delivered a powerful blow that sent her crashing to the ground.

"Ye-Ri, that was a nice one," Taehyung remarked, attempting to catch his breath.

In Taehyung's point of view (POV):

As I caught my breath and secured Joo-won, a sudden wave of lethargy overcame me, causing me to collapse from exhaustion and the blows endured during the fight.

Five hours later, I awoke in my bedroom, with an IV in my arm and bandaged ribs. As I rose, feeling the pain from soreness and bruises, Ye-Ri entered with a tray of soup. "You didn't have to," I said, attempting to get up. Ye-Ri promptly placed the tray on the table, assisting me in getting up properly and gently placing a pillow behind my back.

"It's the least I can do," she said, grabbing a drink from the tray. Our hands briefly touched, and I noticed the ring I had given her still on her finger. A quiet awkwardness enveloped the room as we sensed a connection in our hands, almost as if lingering feelings were present. I withdrew my hand immediately out of respect for Suzy and Ye-Ri; it was too soon for me to be with anyone else.

"Where's Joo-won?" I asked, taking a sip. "After you blacked out, the guys came, helped you, and took her to the questioning room," she replied, sitting at the edge of the bed. Concerned, I inquired about the goons. "They ran when more of Jaehyun's goons arrived. It's surprising that they are recruiting such innocent younger men," she explained.

"Ye-Ri," I began, suddenly overwhelmed by guilt from our past. "I know we haven't talked since the cafe, properly. But let me start by saying—" I was interrupted as she cut me off, "It's okay, I understand," she said with a smile. "I was only trying to protect you," I said, attempting to get up, but she helped me settle back down, accidentally slipping onto my body. An awkward silence filled the room, and the only audible sound was the synchronized beating of our hearts. I couldn't help but gaze at her lips and her eyes, momentarily mesmerized. Just as we were about to kiss, our moment was interrupted by the clatter of a fallen spoon, startling us and prompting a swift separation.

Ye-Ri quickly retrieved the spoon, her face flushed, and Jungkook appeared at the door. Caught in an awkward position, Ye-Ri excused herself, saying, "I'm gonna go; feel better." "Bye," I said as I got up. Jungkook, noting the awkwardness, teased, "Did I interrupt something?" I cleared my throat, replying, "No, now what do you want?"

"Okay," he said as he took a seat. "Just wanted to see how you were feeling; you collapsed. You had a crazy week. All of that without eating or drinking. I'm surprised you even drank water," he remarked, taking a bite of the soup. "Sure, you can have it," I said, sighing. "My bad, here," he said, taking a last bite. "No, you finish it. Looking at you eat makes me full," I said, laughing. The room filled with laughter as Jungkook and I bonded; it had been a while since I had a nice time with him. Everyone else entered the room, taking seats on my desk and couch for a meeting.

"Taehyung," Namjoon said, his expression filled with guilt. "Namjoon," I replied as my smile faded away. "Let me ask you something," I said, standing up with Jungkook's help. I grabbed the pole of the IV bag and approached Namjoon. "Taehyung," he sighed. "So, all of this, and I know we just went through this conversation before, but tell me all of these women—Suzy, Ye-ri, Ha-na, Jackie, and how many more that God knows what—were put at risk for some dumb rivalry between you and Jaehyun," I said, getting up close to him as I leaned on my IV pole.

"I deserve all that deep resentment you have for me," he said, attempting to move back. "It started with him only. He couldn't stand the idea of Ha-na being with me. He thought she was not safe with me. And he is right; I end up hurting everyone around me. I deserve everything that is coming to me, Taehyung," he continued, a tear in his eye. Suddenly, I stopped with anger. "Was it worth it?" I yelled. "Being a scumbag, being an ass, jerk. You thought that making our lives like living hell would make you think you are doing what's best for us? Or what's best for you? Like come on, guys, it's always about Namjoon in the end," I said with red, furious eyes.

"Taehyung, I beat myself down day and night ever since she passed. I wanted to do anything to help her. But she told me helping her was letting her go in her own way. She knew that Jaehyun and her family would make her undergo these crazy surgeries," he said, pleading. "Wait, what do you mean Jaehyun and her family?" Jungkook said, confused.

"Jaehyun and Ha-na were in an arranged marriage. Well, about to be. Her parents and his parents came together for business," Namjoon explained as he took a seat. "Jaehyun, Ha-na, and I met when we were only kids. I was just a measly kid beggar, but they took me in as a friend. Her father took me in as a son until he... until he realized who my father was. Ha-na and I started hanging out by ourselves when Jaehyun was spending time with her father. We grew feelings and hid them for as long as we can remember. Until I overheard his father and her father arranging them both to get married. Jaehyun loved the idea because he had feelings since the very moment they were kids. He liked me until he saw me very close with her and her father. He revealed to her father who my father was, and that's how we got here. He envied mine and her love. But he knew getting me out of the picture was better; we had an altercation where him and I can't be in the same room, and I never became the same since when she told me about her disease. She was dying, and I couldn't do anything about it." He said standing up.

"Who was your father?" Yoongi said concerned.

"I have so many secrets that I did not even tell her or Jaehyun. Or to any of you guys either." Namjoon said preparing himself to reveal the truth behind all of this madness.

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