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Namjoon POV
"NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING" I said as I ponder my fist on my desk causing everything to fall.

"Hyung, what's going on!" Taeyong said rushing in, "You'll find them" He said as he helped pick up the mess.

"I know, it's just... where could they be, I'm getting restless but man I just don't want to give up." I said crying on my chair.

"Namjoon" Seokjin said as he walked towards me, "can you give us time alone ? Thank you" I said to Taeyong and pulled a seat next to him.

"I can't find them hyung. What if..what if I can't find them anymore. Those are our little brothers" I said sobbing.

"We don't know when or how but will find them, when do you ever fail? I miss those little fuckers so badly and I want them back. Jimin and Jungkook will be okay." He said hugging me calming me down.

Yoongi POV

"I don't want you to get hurt" I said facing her, "I am staying by your side." Da-hye said locking her hands into mine.

"I need to find my brothers, my little brothers. I won't sleep or eat if them or you or anyone important to me gets hurt or matter for worse...D-" I said as she cut me off.

"You know if you say the D word , it can actually happened. Just don't say it and we will be okay" She said and looked straight into my eyes.

"What" I said confused, "When I was little, my mother had breast cancer. She had so many trips to the hospital as she would get worst all the time , I was scared of loosing her but then the doctor told me this saying. If you don't say the D word, everything will be okay. So I kept the mindset, until my dad... he was very worried for her and she last for a whole straight year. until he said the word. And she passed. Ever since I don't use it on those who get sick or even healthy." She said tearing up.

"Now for the love of god don't ever say that and stop your brothers from saying it too." She said and kissed me on the cheek and fell asleep on my shoulder.

I kept the mindset in my head, and she was right.

Taehyung POV

"We have been driving for 7 days, let's go home and rest and come back tomorow" Hoseok said in concern

"I can't, I must keep looking for my best friends. " I said driving until we received a text in the group chat from Yoongi.

"Never say the D word. Trust me. Just to make things better. For the love of god don't say it. Don't ask questions." Hoseok reading the text for me.

"Uh okay. " Hoseok said , And I instantly remembered the old saying.

Jaehyung POV

I drove to Wonho's safe place , I knew exactly where she was.

"I know you're in here. You act like I don't know you or hurt you. You're my sister and I'm here to help." I said putting my hands in my pockets.

"Go away, i'm in the middle of getting ready to leave" She said making noises.

"Alright" I said as I walked to the other side of the door and went in.

"Get out" she said as I saw her digging into a body filling it with paper. "What did you do" I said looking at her.

"Nothing" as she continued and grabbed a mallet and walked towards me.

"Jooe" I said backing up, "Don't call me that" She said. as she ran towards me. "I'm your brother" I said , "Not by blood" As she struck me and left me unconscious.


They will never forget not to mess with me. I am crazier. Crazier than ever.

"Joo-wonnnnn it's me Wonho l, why is this locked" he said as he tried to come in, and I grabbed my syringe and placed it behind my back and walked towards outside.

"I'm coming.."

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