Chapter Seven

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I looked up as i walked down the unfamiliar hall, seeing that I hadn't injured myself or gotten myself in trouble, but i might've sneaked a look when i went to gym. Signs decorated themselves down the hall, and it was specifically for the important offices, and it definitely made it easier not just for the adults, but Students.

The nurses sign was in bright red colors, and i faced the wooden door. I knocked my knuckle of the glass part, centered itself of the wooden door with barbed wire.

I tried to squinting my eyes to see if i could see anything beyond it's cloudy surface. But it wasn't long before someone's shadow came into view, and the door opened for me.

"Hey, your standing on two legs and alive, so what can i do for you?" The nurse turned her back towards me before i could see her face, and i sauntered in with a shrug. Trying to keep my lips sealed from chuckling. "Uhm.. my elbow, i had broken it awhile ago, and i recently fell on it." The nurse hummed, and turned around with a clipboard in hand.

"I can bring our Chiropractor in, and take a look at you. You do a sport, right?" She tilted her head and her brown locks fell off her shoulders, bouncing as she moved about. "Yea, baseball."

I wasn't sure if it was just the front desk lady, but i guess rumors reached the nurses office? The nurse had gone still, and even gave me an uneven look. Her brown eyes looked so sure she heard wrong.
"What? Is there something i should know? The front desk lady looked spooked as well." I stood up from the stool the nurse had gladly offered i sit on, and at the time i sat down with a grateful nod.

"Well, the team sucks.. and its a team full of negros—,"
"Say that again," i warned, my eyes livid. No one should be treated differently because of their skin, especially when your playing ball. It definitely shouldn't matter who your playing ball with.
"Excuse me, but I'm the one in charge here, now please sit before i decide you aren't worth my time, and I wont call the chiropractor."
i snorted, and decided staying in her presence wasn't worth waiting, my elbow was definitely sore, but it wasn't in pain and it wasn't like I hadn't learned any remedies to mend the ache.

"Im outta here, I'll be getting to class before I'm late, thanks for your time." I walked out of there so quick, i almost ended up carelessly slamming the door. Luckily they had those door closers. I didnt wait long enough to give my name, or get a pass from her. Maybe she'll contact the authorities about a blonde haired Bigfoot wondering the school halls.

The halls were clear, and I was free to wonder until second period,— if i didn't get caught —was over. I dug into my pocket for my phone, in doing so i searched for a men's bathroom. I looked at my screen, and it didnt come to mind that i was in there for more than 15 minutes. Apparently not.

I planned to text Joann and Melissa, to see if they could sit with during lunch.


"Hey," Joann appeared over my shoulder and gave me a reassuring hugging around the neck. "At least we know the people running the school are racist." Joann shrugged, and moved in to sit next too me. She sat comfortably a good five minutes before opening her lunch.

"Are you gonna eat?" Joann looked at me, and i shrugged, looking back at her in turn. "I don't know.. my mood sullied my appetite."

"Hm.. your still joining right?" Joann finished taking a bite of her sandwich, and chew slowly before speaking up. I nodded, and she glanced around absently for, presumedly our sister. "She died for this information, and yet she isn't here." Joann smiled, returning to swallowing her sandwich down.

"Hey" i picked my head up, expecting it too be Melissa, but it was one of guys i had seen earlier, sitting with the kid who introduced himself to me yesterday. His smile must've been contagious because my sister was smiling from ear to ear. "How's your elbow man?" He pointed to my elbow, and quietly asked my sister as an afterthought to sit down, and she nodded. The first question is, how do they know each other?

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