Chapter Five

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A/N — Vanessa up top


"Uhm.. mom," I came around the corner, after asking my sisters, who are still currently sitting on the couch, where mom was, and they said the kitchen. So I marched down the hall, and leant my bodily weight on the fridge as she worked away on a watermelon. She still didn't hear me.

"Mom," I came up from behind her, and gestured to the knife and watermelon, she shrugged and asked me to wash my hands first.

"What's up kiddo?" She wipes her hands clean after she gave them a good rinse. She shut the faucet, and lent her hip against the counter. "I want to play baseball again." I finished cutting the last chunk of watermelon, and by the time the cut met the board mom was up on her feet retreating to the fridge.

"Oh yea?" She reached in, grabbing the Almond milk. Nice choice, it's chocolate too. "Yea.." I drifted off, and lingered at her side as she turned toward the plastic cups sitting next too the fridge.

"Well Sam, what do you want me to say?" Mom poured herself a cup, and quietly asked if I wanted one. I shook my head, and she slammed her cup down as she sighed in disdain. Her shoulders hunched forward, and gave me a sidelong look.
"Did you honestly expect the worst Sam? What happened then, I can understand that wasn't your fault, you can't blame yourself. And.. I really want you to get out there again. I know father won't be happy about it, but I am." She gently took my shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze.

"Thanks.." I mumbled, and watched her grab her fixed beverage asking me to put the milk in the fridge so she could put the fruit away. "Thank me after you put the knife down, gimme it." She snorted, and held her up. "O, Oh," I turned the knife around awkwardly and she frowned.

"Any day now." Her fingers twitched and I finally put in her hand.

"Good boy, now tell the girls they need to have their butts in bed." I nodded slowly but nevertheless gave my mom her space. I'm pretty the sure my sisters didn't need a heads up, because I could already hear the pitter patter of feet up the stairs and down the upstairs hall.

I snickered and followed suit, heading off too my own room. I needed to call Vanessa back. I promised I'd return with a full belly and news about how it went between mother and I.

"Hey Peter Parker" I shook my head, and sat myself in my desk chair. Vanessa swiveled into view, pinning her hair up.

"The nicknames again," I commented and tried to situate myself in the chair, and ended up leaning back with my leg atop the desk and one under my weight.
"Hm.. why not? It's cute. So how'd it go with you and your mom?"

"Straight to the point, it's always like that with you." I smelled, and my body went lax, comfortable as we kept up the chatter. It must've went on for hours because I was hanging off of my chair, in the middle of my dark room except for the lit up Mac screen.
"Ima get some shut eye." She waved me off, and ended the call so I didn't have too and I made my way to my unmade bed.

Before I knew it I was out, and waking up to the sound of my sisters voice. I gradually righted myself, and blinked away the tears budding in the corner of my eyes. "Come on, wake up! Make over time, remember?"

"..did you get any sleep?" Joanns voice could be heard next to me, sure enough she was at my desk, to the right of my bed and scrolling through my recent FaceTime calls. "Come on, quit going through my shit.." I groaned,  and Mel butter into the one-sides conversation. "you have no private life anymore, we practically know everything. Better yet, mom knows more." Melissa grabbed my wrists, and pulled me up.

My vision went swirly for a second, and I swatted her hand away, laying on my side to calm the nausea and excited nerves.
"Just get out of my room! I'm going to school as Samual Blackwell."

"Well that facade didn't last long." Joann mumbled as she excused herself. Melissa kept herself rooted in place, and waited for me to situate myself.
"I mean, I'm not against it, but do you really put yourself out there again? I'm just worried the same shits gonna happen." Melissa sat herself at the end of my bed, and watched her feet move side to side.

"Awe, my sisters worried." I ruffled her hair, and for a second thought it was Joann and almost stopped myself. Joann always took the tome to do her hair. She'd whoop my ass if she touched it in any shape or form.

"Well the baggy clothes are nice.. but it's not my style. And since I've already been the worse case scenario, I'll know what to do to prevent any accidents from happening." I shrugged, scooting off the bed and stumbling toward the closet. My vision was much better but my one ear felt a bit wonky, and my foot fell asleep.

"Still! It doesn't hurt to be a little cautious.. maybe just keep it low profile for now?" Melissa came closer, punching the air between her thumb and index.

"No.. I'm not hiding who I am, too please others, especially if I'm going to be playing baseball. The sport requires openness.. you have to be social." I huffed, and put on a black buttoned up, leaving my neck to breath easy, and a pair of jeans, ending it off with a pair of converse. Everything felt right, and apart of me.

"God those sleeves just got in the way, and it was bad enough I got funny looks from people when I tried writing notes down. It was hilarious." I just let my hair hang free as it should, and made sure to wash my face with cold water. I grabbed the few charms Vanessa, James, and my mother bought me on my arm. They weren't anything expensive, but needed or knotted bracelets. One multicolored, and the other a solid color.

I remember the day James nearly tripped himself trying to give me the bracelet before I left. Vanessa couldn't stop her teasing.

"Their cute," Melissa came up behind me and played with the bracelets just as I was doing before I got distracted and ended up staring at myself, which I'm sure was a good five minutes. Luckily Mel didn't notice.

"Oh yea, mom made pancakes, and added the fruits u like." I hummed, running out of the bathroom attached to my room, and grabbed my bag before bolting out the bedroom door and down the steps.

"Is that my son?" My fathers voice could be heard, and there he stood, next to the fridge, holding the newspaper under his arm. "Yes it is," I swallowed my spit, and rounded the other side of the island to grab a napkin. "Here hun," my mother interrupted my train of thought to hurry and retreat from my father before he got the upper hand.

She handed me a few pancakes and a small cup of fruit and plastic fork.
"I figured you wouldn't make, Joann told me you barely slept!" She whispered the last part as my shoulders out framed her back. She slapped my chest, and shooed me away as she tracked her husbands movements I'm sure. The frequent side glance was a dead giveaway.

I gave way, and moved along, leaving my parents to work out whatever they needed to for this morning.
"Joe's in the car, come on." Mel snatched a piece of fruit with her manicured hand, and excused herself before I could get a finger on her.

"Rats," I cursed, and chuckled as I made my way out. Fixing my book-bag strap, in the process of steadying my fruit and pancakes.

"Here," Joann grabbed my bag once I reached her side of the door, and her window was rolled down so she snatched it up without my complaint. 

"Thanks.." I mumbled anyways, and got in the car, holding my hand out. Mel handed me the keys, as I placed my cup of fruit and pancakes in the cup holder.

"That's get the show on the road.."
I pulled out of the driveway without running over the mailbox, and drove off towards the school.


So how was it?


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