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     Phoenix's chest began rising up and down once again as the words started to process inside her mind

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     Phoenix's chest began rising up and down once again as the words started to process inside her mind. " What? " Both horror and confusion lingered through her voice. She watched the smile from the nurse widen as if she was almost satisfied with the reaction she was getting from Phoenix.

" You're inside the Capital darling, we were forced to rescue you, along with some other tributes from the arena. " Shaking her head, Phoenix felt like the world around her was crumbling. " Where is everyone else? Finnick? Katniss? Cassian? Peeta? Beetee? Johanna? " The words left her mouth quickly, only wanting answers to these questions.

Quiet overtook the room, with the only sound filling the room being Phoenix's heavy breathing. " Where are they? " She yelled, with the smirk from the nurse now long gone as a sense of fear began filling the older woman. " Ms.Flack, if you don't calm down, I'm afraid I'll be forced to sedate you. " Phoenix could tell the nurse was starting to get more nervous by the second.

Phoenix nodded her head, knowing she needed to cool down in order to get any answers to her question. While trying her best to calm down, she looked down at the IV attached to her, something she hadn't noticed yet. The woman seemed to notice Phoenix's gaze and cleared her throat to speak. " It's morphling, I can up your dosage if you need it. " Phoenix shook her head at the offer, knowing the last thing she needed was a morphling addiction.

Silence took over the room again as Phoenix continued looking down at herself lying in the hospital bed. She began thinking back to the last night of the games, with her last solid memory in her mind being when she, Johanna, and Katniss left the tree. Phoenix remembers the last kiss she shared with Finnick before she departed into the jungle.

Everything after that only came to her in blurs in Phoenix's memory.

" As of right now, we are looking after you, Enobaria Golding, Peeta Mellark, Johanna Mason. " The pit already began to grow inside of Phoenix's stomach as the names met her ears. The sole purpose of the plan was to make sure Katniss and Peeta made their way back to District 13.

Now that Peeta was in the Capital, Phoenix had no idea what this meant for the future of the rebellion. " Oh! And Annie Cresta. " The nurse added, having forgotten the younger girl was also in the custody of the Capital. Once it processed what she had said, Phoenix's eyes widened and her head snapped to look at the nurse.

Unlike her and Johanna, both Peeta and Annie were completely innocent. With neither having any idea of any kind of uprising the rebels had planned. But Annie. Innocent Annie had absolutely no idea about anything that was even going on outside of District 4. She hadn't even been inside the arena during the games. So why did they take her?

" Annie! " Phoenix screams out without a second thought. The nurse rushes towards her, trying to calm Phoenix down. " No! Annie wasn't even inside the games. Why is she here? " Phoenix asked before screaming out the girl's name again. " Annie! " She called out over and over again. Phoenix needed a response, needed answers, and this timid nurse was no help at all. " She's very sick, Ms.Flack. Her head has not been in the right place in a long time. We are doing her a favor. " The nurse said, trying to convince Phoenix that this was all a good thing.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐀 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now