Chapter.2 Were having a Party? part one

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Me and Haruhi, were in one of thefour libaray's at school. Haruhi was finishing  some work, while I just sat their watching her, when we heard the bell's chim, we knew  it was time to go to the club room. Haruhi and I ran through the hallway,

"We're never going to hear the end of it if we  show up late."

Haruhi said running, with me on her back giggling and nodding my head in agreement. We finally got to the door of Music Room #3, Haruhi opened the door to a find a jungle. There was animals and everything, I was amazed they went this far for the lady's.

"What's this? Where are we?"

Haruhi asked, I was to focused on the animals, that I almost didn't noticed the host club, and what they where wearing.


They said together, I blushed at how they were dressed, I even hid my face into haruhi's neck. I tried to get the blush from my face off,  thinking it was safe I then peeked a look only to meet honey's eyes, I looked at what he was wearing and then back at his face, to see him watching me check him out. I blushed worse then last time, this time my hole face was red. Honey saw this and smirked at me, I noticed that it seems like ever since, he found out I was his age, he would act different with me, then he did when he thought I was younger then him. I have no idea why, but he just does. I blushed even more and hid my  face into haruhi's shoulder. I could hear a small laugh, come from him, I looked at them again and listened to them talk.

"You finally made it Haruhi, Shadow. Your so late." The twins said standing by the chair whcih Tamaki sat at. Getting off Haruhi's back and just stand by her, as she pulled out a calendar.

"I could be wrong, but my calender says it's still early spring." Haruhi said

I nodded my head while I watched a lizard climb a tree, I then heard honey and mori running around. Next thing I know is that, I felt someone pick me up and being craddled like a baby in someone's arms. I looked up and saw Mori and Honey giving me a smile, I smiled back,

"Hey Honey, Mori. What are you guys doing? And why am I going with you?" I asked crossing my arms,as I then realised that I was being held to Mori's chest, as soon as I realised this I started to blush. I  looked  away so they wouldn't see the blush, but by honey's smirk I knew they saw, even mori had  a small smile on his face,

"Were just running around, having fun. And we thought you would like to hangout with us and not have to listen to Tamaki going on and on about the theme." Honey said in his normal tone, not his child voice, which kind of threw me off.

He noramlly would talk all child like, but he didn't plus he called Tamaki by his real name and not his nickname, I cocked my head to one side and looked at them, after a bit, I gave them a closed eye smile and nodded,

"Thanks guys, you saved me from the trouble. But can you please put me down, I think it's safe to go back beside's I want to go back and see if my sister is ok and has not killed Tamaki yet." I told them giggling,

that seemed to startle them as, mori stopped moving and they both looked down at me, watching me to see what I would do or say next. I just smiled,

"Like you guy's weren't thinking it. Haruhi may act calm but their is always is a snapping point for every person."

They thought about it before nodding, mori started to walk again, until we got back to the group just in time to see Tamaki's arm around my baby sister's shoulder, I blinked as I heard Haruhi mumble,

"That's funny, cause I feel a masive chill right now."

I giggled again and shook my head, I then relized every one was looking at me, which I was still in Mori's arms. They all got closer to me ,as I pushed into Mori's chest more, to get some room, I looked at them and pouted,

Can I Have some Honey with that ?  (Honey Love story <3 )Where stories live. Discover now