My Little sister is the Host club's Dog? part 2

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"What about if I let you drink it, from my mouth." He asked in a suggestive voice.

"Then I will drink it." She said like she was in a trance.

All of the other girls were going fangirl over the hole thing while me and Hurahi, where just standing there watching this go down. We both looked at each other and shaked our heads. I let out a sigh, boys.

"This is ridiculous." Haruhi said by me I nodded my head in agreement.



"Hahaha, so he had  this nightmare where he bolted right out of bed." Hikaru said explaining a story to his an Karou's  group.

"Hikaru! Don't tell them that story. I asked you not to tell anyone that. Why are you so mean to me." Karou said , turning his body a little bit away from his brother as tears fell from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Karou." Hikaru said strighting up a bit from the fact his brother let his tears fall.

The two girls with them gasped and move into each other.

 Hikaru, put his hands on either side of Karou's face and move his face closer to his.

" I didnt mean to upset you. But you where so adorable when it happend I had to tell  them. I'm sorry"

Hikura said shaking his head a little and moving in again until it looked like their noses where touching.

"I forgive you." Karou says in a whisper like state, with a little bit of a blush over his cheeks.

The girls went nuts for this so they giggled and that about it.  "I've never seen brotherly love like that!" they both said while hold each others hands.

I thought it was kinda good to but i could tell they where just faking it. There body langage said they weren't joking but  by looking into their eyes, you can tell they just like to mess with the people.

Haruhi and me walk by with trays and tea sets.

"What are they so excited about? I just dont get it." Haruhi says as we pass the babbling girls, i could help but giggle and nodded my head to her.

We then saw Honey getting a ride on Mori"s back.Honey must have fallen asleep beacuse he was rubbing his eyes.

"Ahh,Sorry where running late."

 A gril with long Dark hair looked over at them and called out,

"Hey Honey, Hey Mori!"

Another girl also called out

"We were waiting for you guys, hi."

Mori was putting down Honey as safly as he could, with his arms under his arm pits. I could tell that he cared for him a lot, I remember reading something about them being cousins. if I'm correct, I will just wait and see.

"Sorry, i was waiting for Takashi to finish his Kendo meeting  and I fell asleep."

He then started to rub his eyes with one of his hands in a fist, with  watery eyes.

"And I'm still not .. fully awake." he said in a small kid voice

Ok i got to say he looked so cute like that. i smiled at that but then noticed he didnt have his Usa-chan. I wounder where he is, did he put it somewhere, i hope he's not lost. My thoughts where distracted when I heard the group form their table say

Can I Have some Honey with that ?  (Honey Love story <3 )Where stories live. Discover now