My little sister is the host club's dog? part 1

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After the light was gone, I was rubbing my eyes with my one hand, the light kinda blinded me for a time. After I was  sure I could see I looked up and saw my sister and seven boys , I then relized my mistake, this was the host club's club room. It was in the information I got from the school's computer with  my hacking skills, holding  my blue bunny closer to me. I looked at all of them, so I could put  a face to the name, but before I could do that it seems the twins looked over and saw me at the door, when the others where talking to my sister, i heard something about a dog? They both then whispered to the group and then they all looked at me .

"Hey it's" one twin starts

" A kid." the other finishes

There was this one tall blonde that appeared in front of me, he stared ast  me for a while untill he lifted me up by my armpits and then started to hugging me saying

"He's so CUTE!! Can we keep him mommy!Can we!?"

He looked at a guy who had glasses and looked smart but not as smart as me and calming in a way. H epushed up his glasses and then looked at me.

"I'm sorry, young man but he gets like that at times. Put him down Tamaki."

The blond named Tamaki looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"But mommy, he's sooo cute!!"

 The glasses wearing man looked up from his little black book and stated in a calm voice,

"Tamaki, put him down."

Tamaki looked down at me , while I looked up at him with my big Sea blue eyes and with a pout on my face. His face turned red but after sometime he let me go and walked back to the others. I also noticed that there was a boy my size with blonde hair and he also had a pink bunny. He was hanging on to a tall boy with short black hair. After I looked over them all I looked at my sister who was standing  there was standing there with her head down looking at something on the floor. I looked where she was looking and saw a very expensive vase, well pieces of one.... I looked at her as she looked up and as soon as she saw me she turned pale, well so much for i hope she doesn't brake anything. Before i could say anything Tamkai started talking.

"Welcome to ther Ouran Host club young man, I never thought that both out honor students are so openly gay."

 As soon as he said that my head whipped to him, I pulled my bunny closer to me, that seemed to get the  little blonde boys eye, he jumped down from the tall boys shoulder and walked up to me  holding his pink bunny in his hands, he stopped right in front of me and I backed up a little, getting a little shy I looked at my sister and she tried to move over to me, but Tamkai grabbed her  shoulder making her stop. I looked over to the boy in front of me, looking into his eyes. After a few minutes he said

"Hi, my name is Honey! I like your bunny! It's really cute, it's like my USA-chan <3 !" 

 Honey said happily with a big closed eye smile, he looked really cute like that. I smiled my big smile and said

"Hi Honey, i'M Shadow nice to meet you. I love your bunny to, maybe they could be friends. Lucky hasn't had any bunny friends to talk to, so you think your USA-chan and my Lucky can be friends?"  

Honey looked at my bunny then his and  then looked up at me and nodded in agreement. I smiled a closed eye smile, next thing I know  I'm being picked up by two people. I looked up at the people who picked me up, there were the two twin boys from before, they both had smirks on there faces, they both  where also cute.

"We'll who is your type? The..." one said

"Devil type like us?" the next one said

I looked at Haruhi 

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