C H A P T E R . T W E N T Y - T W O

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As we get in the car I'm reminded of the others. "Oh, Allison." I say as she starts speeding towards the cabin in the woods.

"Yeah?" She replies, her eyes on the road.

"The boys are on their way too. They should be there soon." I explain, receiving a nod from her.

"Let's hope they come in time." She says nervously as the two of us drive towards impending doom.

I grit my teeth as I think of what could possibly await us at the cabin. "Let's hope they don't have to."


I slam the door shut, quickly shadow travelling to the park to catch up to Allison. Everything was shaking, the wind chimes, lights and chair swinging from left to right. "What's happening?" I ask quietly, sticking close to Allison.

She looks at me nervously, before putting her arm around my shoulder. "I don't know, but stay close." Even though I knew I was the more powerful one her arm made me feel safer. She must've been an amazing mother, or I guess not... she did lose custody after all.

The sound of a violin grows louder as we near the cabin. "Vanya?" Allison calls out from the porch, "Is that you?"

Walking even faster now, we go towards the door, Allison grabbing the handle and quickly entering the room. Vanya was standing in the centre of the room, her back facing us, playing the violin.

Allison starts to talk unannounced, "Vanya, there you are. What is going on?"

"What're you doing here?" Vanya asks, bewildered. She clearly hadn't been expecting company.

"I came to find you. Are you okay?" She asks, sounding exasperated and worried.

Vanya was obviously still confused but didn't ask any questions. "Yeah."

I stayed silent letting the two girls talk. "There's something ...weird going on. What's causing it?"

Allison and I look at her expectantly. She seems to contemplate something for a few moments before replying.


"What do you mean, "me"?" Allison takes a step forward clearly not understanding Vanya's implication. Not to say that I wasn't surprised as well, this was basically Vanya saying she has powers. Definitely was not expecting that.

"I mean... I made those things happen." Vanya smiles slightly, a hint of pride on her face. "With my powers."

My jaw drops. Vanya has powers? "Oh my god that's so cool!" I gush, happy that Vanya finally had powers of her own. I look over to Allison smiling but realize she wasn't replicating the feeling. She looked pensive and skeptical, almost as if she couldn't believe it.

Vanya snorts at my exclamation, "Turns out I've had them all this time. It's weird huh?"

Allison gasps, "It's uh, It's in-incredible." She manages to get out, still trying to cope with the news. I really didn't understand why this was so hard for her to wrap her head around. Vanya had powers, it seemed pretty simple to me.

Vanya could sense the inevitable 'but' that was coming. Why else would her sister be here, why else would I, of all people, be here? "But?" She asks nervously.

Her sister looked at her for a few moments before stammering out, "Can we do this in the car?"


"You're not gonna want to hear it." Allison replies.

Vanya smirks, "Well that's never stopped you before." I raise my eyebrows in shock, the pure shade.

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