C H A P T E R . F I V E

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"So we need an adult," Five starts.

"That's crazy enough to get us the name," I continue.

"And won't ask questions," Five finishes. I think over all the adults I know and can only find one who meets all the criteria. I look at Five and can tell he's thinking the same thing.



The chair in Five's room can barely fit me as I try to fit my entire body onto the small space provided. Five was currently doing, something, while I sat alone in his room waiting for him to return. I'm not sure how hard it must be to bribe Klaus into doing something for you, but I'm sure it can't be the most difficult feat in the world. Five has time travelled before he should be back in no time.

But at the same time I'm just so tired, especially after the entire cry sesh I just had at the eye place. I haven't slept since the night Dad died and my body is just about to shut off completely. I decide to just close my eyes for a few moments, just to rest them for a bit. Five wouldn't mind if I just closed my eyes for a second or two, I convince myself. He won't even know I closed my eyes, not that it would matter, why am I so focused on what Five thinks? Screw that grandpa, wait no, he doesn't like being called grandpa. What was I thinking about again? Oh yes, sleep. My mind descends further into madness, as I finally give in. Finally, I... close... my... eyes...



"And you are to stay in your room until you've learned how to respect those in charge!" Dad declares before slamming the door shut. He really overreacted this time, all I was trying to do was ask him what the point of keeping me was if he was going to neglect me. Then he started freaking out and everything, yelling at me for doing nothing more than asking a question, that I didn't even get the answer to.

Angrily, I sit on my bed. Now that I'm stuck in here I'm not exactly sure what to do. It's lonely being in a house this big with no-one to spend time with. Of course, Dad always kept me busy with work but for the first time in literal years I finished my work first thing in the morning. Karma works in strange ways, I think to myself. Maybe this is all some type of test, I muse, maybe something life changing will happen soon, something that'll make this life worth while.

The sound of rattling from my window makes me jump up from my bed. I make my way towards the window as the latch flings open and a girl enters. I raise my hands prepared to attack, but find myself frozen when she turns around to face me.

Her brown eyes meet mine for a split second before I take in the rest of her. She had both freckles and monolids, a combination of features I had never seen before, not that I saw that many people to begin with. She also had short black hair that was currently half up and half down. The girl was slightly shorter than me and definitely skinnier. She was wearing a pair of shorts, an oversized shirt and a pair of sneakers, and by the looks of it, she had been wearing that exact outfit for quite some time.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I demand once I stop gaping at her. 

She takes a step closer to me, her eyes focused on my raised hands. "Don't worry, I'm not dangerous." She says, smiling as a dimple appears on either side of her face.

Slowly, I lower my arms but still on edge, I repeat my question. "I'm Josie," she says, holding out her hand for me to shake. I take it, and Josie continues, "I live behind this place." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. To my knowledge, there weren't any houses directly behind the academy. I don't question it however and let her explain further, "I was just walking by when I decided to see if I could get in the house. Up until now, I honestly thought no-one lived in this place anymore." She explained raising her hands in defence.

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