C H A P T E R . T W E L V E

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"I already lost Josie, not you too! Not you fucking too." I sob, falling onto Eudora's body, her blood wetting my practically naked body. Footsteps approach but I don't care anymore. I'm done trying.


The footsteps grow louder and though I don't even want to bother moving, I refuse to be killed by those two. The only way Cha Cha and Hazel are going to kill me is by giving up their lives in the process, I'll make sure of it. Either way, I can't bring them down with me in my current state no matter how angry I am. I try to gather any last bits of energy left to go into the shadows once more, not sure how long I can hold it.

I close my eyes as the person finally enters the room. The footsteps end and I hear a thump on the ground. "No, no, no, Eudora! No, no..." I hear someone say. I can't even process who's speaking as I'm putting all my focus on staying hidden, my image already flickering in and out of visibility. Fists slam against the floor, and I can feel my energy start to fade entirely. "I was on my way. I was on... why didn't you wait?"

The voice stops as I fall to the ground fully visible. "Eris?" The voice asks, and I open my eyes.

"Diego?" I whimper while he realizes my condition. Delicately he pulls me up, and carries me out of the room probably not expecting me to be able to stand. He jogs up to a car, strapping me in and then driving the two of us away from the motel, away from Eudora, away from the place I was tortured.

Diego starts driving with me sitting there fading in and out of consciousness. Despite my efforts, I can't stop thinking about the last few hours of the torture session. So much had happened, Josie's murder being solved, Cha Cha and Hazel running away, Eudora being killed and finally Klaus and I escaping. I furrow my eyebrows repeating the last part, Klaus and I escaping. Klaus wasn't with us though.

"Klaus!" I exclaim as loud as my worn out body would allow.

"Klaus?" Diego repeats.

"He was- He was there but he left through a vent. He could still be out there they could still get him." I frantically explain, my body starting to shake. "I can't let him die just like- just like..." Tears start to fill my eyes, "It's all my fault, all of it! Josie, Dora, Klaus they would've been alive and safe if I wasn't so fucking stupid."

The car stops, and I jerk forward while continuing to ramble absentmindedly about my guilt and self pity. Diego unbuckles me, scooping me up like before as we walk into some boxing gym. Diego fumbles with the doorknob before ultimately kicking it upon not wanting to let me go due to my fragile state.

"I should be the dead one." I mumble as we enter the room. Two other people are in the room as well but I lost all shame when Cha Cha and Hazel tortured me just hours ago. "Just kill me. Diego let me die. I just want to be with them again." I beg.

"I'm not going to let you die." Diego says setting me down on a bed.

I ignore his statement already planning to see Eudora, Josie and the others, maybe I'll even give Dad a visit if the afterlife gets boring.



"It's just a hunk of glass." I chuckle bitterly. The world ends in four days and my only lead is a dead end. Luther hands the eye back to me and I place it back into my pocket. The door slams open and Diego runs in holding a whimpering body. Eris.

"I should be the dead one." I hear her mumble, as I wonder what happened to her. Just one day ago she was sitting in the van beside me eating her Fun Dip and running through the streets smiling and laughing, now she was here looking worse for wear, begging Diego to let her die.

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