C H A P T E R . S I X T E E N

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"What do you mean? He said there was a meeting."

"Family Meeting. I'm not family." I correct.

Diego leans on the door, "Listen kid, you may not have grown up with us, but you're one of us now. You might not have had a family before but believe me Eris, you need one. And whether you like it or not, consider yourself adopted by us. Welcome to your new shitty dysfunctional family. Now, let's get going."

"I would just like to point out that me saying 'okay, dad' was not an invitation for you to actually start caring about me." I say as I walk out of the room. "It's very difficult to be an angsty teenager if someone actually cares about my well being. Respect the drip, Diego, respect the drip."


"Three days?" Allison asks, skeptical having just heard Luther's announcement. Not that I blame her, this probably wasn't the news she was expecting. But then again, we didn't get tortured and hurt for a joke.

"That's what Five said." I shrug as Allison hands me a coffee.

Allison turns to look at me. "You knew about this?"

I roll my eyes, "What did you think me and Five were doing all this time? Playing tag?" I turn to address Diego. "Why isn't Vanya here? I'm here, and you guys met me, what, 5 days ago? You're going to include me before you're ready to include your sister?" I ask him, disappointed.

Diego sighs, "This isn't the time, Eris."

"Okay..." I say into my coffee cup.

Allison brings the attention back to the topic at hand, "I still can't understand. You're saying the world ends in three days?"

Klaus also takes a coffee, Ben sitting on the couch behind him. "The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it. He just left out the part about how soon."

"But can we trust him?" Allison voices her concerns, "I don't know if you've noticed, but Five's a little," She whistles. No wonder Five hadn't wanted to tell any of his siblings, it was clear they weren't the most cooperative or supportive group.

Klaus smiles lovingly, "Our little psycho."

"He was pretty convincing." Luther assures, while the others continue to be skeptical.

"Screw 'pretty convincing'," I chuckle bitterly, "People have been trying to kill Five to stop him, the people who trashed the house and took Klaus and I included. That wouldn't happen if he was just acting insane."

"That's why they were after him?" Diego asks, surprised looking at Luther and I for confirmation. Luther mutters a quiet yeah.

Allison shakes her head, "What did Five even see?" Luther looks at me expectantly.

I widen my eyes, is he really expecting me to tell them? "I- really? Oh- Um- Okay then." I malfunction for a few seconds before beginning to explain, "Basically you all fought against the dude who did it and failed miserably. Hence, the apocalypse."

Luther clicks his tongue, standing up, "Okay. So here's the plan." Luther's idea gets drowned out by the groans, questions and complaints of the other siblings.

"Wait a tick, wait a tick, wait a tick." Klaus stops Luther, "What actually happened the first time around? 'Failing miserably' doesn't explain anything."

"Yeah. What're you not telling us?" Diego asks, "Come on, big boy, spit it out."

Luther looks nervously around the room, ultimately sighing and answering in the quietest voice known to man.

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