C H A P T E R . T H R E E

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I'm dragged out of my thoughts as Klaus puts a hand protectively on my chest as he pushes me back. I look up at the others and see Luther and Diego brawling it out on their newly deceased Father's ashes, how classy.

I roll my eyes, as I go back inside. I have no interest in watching two grown men fight like idiots when I could be going and getting some coffee. God, there better be coffee.


I march towards the kitchen with one goal in mind. I hear footsteps following me so I turn around to see Five walking up to me. Sigh, I just want to fall into my bed and forget this entire day. "Can I help you?" I say impatiently as I continue to walk towards the kitchen, Five keeping beside me.

    "I have a question." Five announces, as I start opening cabinets and slamming them shut in my search for coffee.

"All you have are questions." I mutter, not in the mood for more social interaction.

    Ignoring my muttering, Five asks, "Our father did some pretty messed up shit to us, but what did he do to you? You reacted when Diego started his crap, so I can assume it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows." I tense up, as I open the final cabinet. My left hand finds it's way to my neck has I hold onto the chain of my necklace, one of the few things I have left of her.

    "Just the usual," I start, trying to stabilize my voice so as not to sound shaken up. "Abuse, traumatizing memories, one time he made me watch Fifty Shades of Grey." I joke, before quickly adding, "Just kidding, I watched that on my own accord thinking it was a sequel to the Portrait of Dorian Gray. Safe to say I'm scarred for life."

    He looks at me very confused as I suddenly remember that he came from the future meaning he won't understand any of my references. "What's Fifty Shades of Grey?"

    I choke on the air, "Ask Klaus, he probably knows." I manage to reply. He nods, still confused but opens his mouth to ask another question. I cut him off before he can start, "Listen old man, if you want a therapy session or to get into a circle and sing Kumbaya, be my frickin' guest, but I'm not in the mood to be interrogated on my own life and personal experiences so shoo." He seems taken aback but doesn't interrupt.

"Now, I'm going to get some coffee since Reginald seems to have thrown away any of the coffee I had left." I say, a hint of bitterness in my voice. "So, if I don't show up in an hour, assume my headache," I start, before stopping to think. "No, screw that, assume my migraine finally won and I'm dead. If you do find that I'm dead, my dying wish is that you throw a party, celebrating my demise." I pat Five on the shoulder as I begin to leave "It's what I would've wanted."


    The motorcycle drive to Griddy Donuts was pleasant. Shadow travelling was efficient but sometimes I just needed to feel the wind in my hair as I zoomed across the city. Entering the cafe I stroll up to the counter, throwing my phone onto the surface as Agnes comes up from the back. "Eris dear, what can I get you?" She says sweetly, noticing my aggravated state. I don't reply as I lay my head on the counter, knowing that Agnes will just bring me the usual if I don't reply.

Getting the message, Agnes speedily brings me my vanilla iced coffee and chocolate donut. "It's perfect." I smile gratefully as I take a sip of my iced coffee. "Thanks Agnes." I say into the mug as I continue to drink the rest.

Agnes seems concerned as she watches me practically chug my coffee. "You seem," she begins, struggling to find the right words to use. "Upset."

I smile as I set down my coffee to take a bite from the chocolate donut I had also bought. "Family gathering, except I've never met any of the family and I have a horrible headache at the same time." I say trying to give a truthful answer without revealing too much. As far as Agnes knew, I was just a nice home schooled fifteen year old girl named Eris who occasionally comes to Griddy's to have coffee and hangout.

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