C H A P T E R . T W O

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*a/n: I aged Five up to 15 simply because I feel like it's a better fit for this story*


"Does anyone else see a little Number Five, or is it just me?" Klaus asks. He looks at his surroundings, then down at himself before staring back up at the group.



We all followed him to the kitchen, silent and uncomfortable with no-one really knowing what was going on. I had somewhat lagged behind the others, feeling like it wasn't really my place to be all curious. Of course I was confused and intrigued but my reaction would obviously be different from someone whose brother had disappeared for 17 years only to reappear like a day hadn't gone by. They deserved to meet him first, not some random girl who happened to be living in his former home. Though, he definitely did interest me and I would put in an effort to find out more about him.

As we walked, I had noticed him look at me from the corner of his eye, obviously wondering who I was and why I was there, but apart from that we haven't shared a word. I'm somewhat thankful for his silence, as I still have a splitting headache from falling off my bed, courtesy of his arrival.

He entered the kitchen and immediately began making himself a sandwich. I was amused to say the least, watching his total indifference. Finally breaking the silence, Five spoke up, "What's the date? The exact date."

Vanya looks confused but replies either way, "The 24th."

Five rolls his eyes before impatiently asking, "Of what?"

Leaning back on the kitchen counter I reply, "March."

He sneaks a glance at me before saying "Good."

Luther starts to question Five, "So are we going to talk about what just happened?" Five, completely ignoring the question just continues to make his sandwich, setting the bread on the cutting board prepared to cut. "It's been 17 years." Luther says, annoyed with Five's indifference.

Five scoffs at Luther, "It's been a lot longer than that."
The boy teleports onto the stool, to grab something off the shelf. I guess Mom hadn't changed anything up for the past 30 years, or else there would be no way Five could just grab whatever. I would say I was amazed by his power but mine wasn't much different from his. I could do around the same thing he did except my transport method was a lot more goth.

"Where did you go?" Diego asks as Five continues to make his meal.

"The future. It's shit by the way." Five informs the others before teleporting back to the table putting down his bag of ...marshmallows? Weird choice for a sandwich but who am I to judge.

"Called it." Klaus chimes in.

"Who didn't?" I mutter.

Number Five continues, walking to the fridge, "I should've listened to the old man." Grabbing a jar of peanut butter he returns to the table and I am further confused by his food choices. "You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice." He elaborates.

Finally, Five looks up from his sandwich, only to compliment Klaus. "Nice dress." Whether this was genuine or not was beyond me, but at this point I just want an Advil to stop my head from hurting. Just a bit more Eris, you can have some once people leave.

After spacing out for a few moments I bring my focus back to the conversation. "In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." Five explained to the group. I'm assuming he was talking about how he returned as that was the only reason this sentence would make sense.

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