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Jungkook had cleared all his exams with B+ grades and everyone was so happy for him. They all presented him with gifts and congratulated him. He was now to be enrolled in a university and he was very excited about it. But there was one problem. The university he was to be enrolled in was at the outskirts of the Seoul far from the heavy traffic and populated areas. It was the most famous and prestigious university of the country that's why students were willing to live in the hostels provided by university leaving their homes. 

Jungkook was offered a separate dorm room by the university management considering he was the husband and son in law of the country's most successful lawyers. But Taehyung plainly refused the offer. Instead he bought a new fully furnished luxury apartment for them. Luckily the apartment was near his university and at a little more distance from the the court than the usual distance he used to cover compared to their mansion in the middle of city. But he can easily cover it. Besides he will never let jungkook live in dorms away from him. 

Their families were satisfied with the decision plus jungkook was more than happy to live with Taehyung instead of living alone. It was his idea too and taehyung was already planning on it. So they happily moved to the new apartment. 

The apartment had two bedrooms with attached bathrooms , a living room, a kitchen and a small laundry room. Jungkook was the one who choose  the apartment. They would live week days there and on weekend they will go to their house. 

Soon they moved into their new apartment. Jungkook started his university and got settled with his new environment. Some of his friends were enrolled in the same university and some to others. Taehyung would drop him in the morning and pick him up in the afternoon and if he was sometimes late their driver would drop him home.

Hyunbin had successfully won all trials against Sihyuck and now only Final trial was left. And they were sure it will also go in their favour.

 Everything was going on perfectly. They would go on dates twice a week. Buy groceries and do shopping together. Both would make their dinner together. Maids will come to clean the apartment and after they will leave. It was Saturday and the couple was sleeping soundly. Their limbs tangled and bodies hugging each other. 

After sometime of their marriage jungkook realized taehyung was extremely clingy especially when he was asleep. He would tightly hug him in his sleep and if jungkook had to leave in the night for something taehyung would immediately wake up too. He would then tell him to go back to sleep but taehyung will wait for him until he'll come back and then will go to sleep hugging him. Jungkook really loved his this habit. It made him feel loved even more. There wasn't a day when he didn't thanked his creator for letting him meet taehyung. He was extremely grateful for everything he was given. And now he was more expressive of his love. He will tell taehyung "I love You" in the middle of their random conversations. Initiate kisses and hugs. 

Jungkook woke up early and gently shuffled to get out of the bed. Taehyung was asleep but he knew he will wake up soon now when jungkook is not laid beside him. He kissed his forehead and wore taehyung's shirt placed on the couch nearby on his stark naked frame. Gently closing the door of the room he went to the kitchen to make them breakfast. 

He turned on coffee machine and started mixing pancake mix. A gentle music tune was playing in the background and he was humming along with it. 

A few moments later he felt two hands snaking around his waist and a chin on his shoulder followed by a kiss on the side of his neck and snuggled his face in the crook of his neck. An automatic smile made it's way on his lips.

"Good Morning" jungkook greeted

"Good Morning baby" taehyung replied in his raspy voice.

Taehyung took the pancake mix from his hands and placed it on the shelf. He turned jungkook around and gently caught his lips in a wet kiss. Cupping his naked butt in both hands and squeezing it , causing jungkook to gasp in the kiss. 

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