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The whole courtroom was silent.
The video of a man dragging a woman from the porch into her own car was being played. The woman looked unconscious. Even though it was night time but still due to street lights the stranger and woman can be recognized to a better judgement.

Mr shaw was now literally sweating because he never thought he would be caught this badly.

He made sure that all the CCTV cameras of her house were out of order that night but then how this video of him dragging his half dead sister was caught.........Speechless he was.

"My lord, as we can all see how Mr. Shaw drugged his own sister and made her drive her car or more likely drove it himself when she was literally unconscious just to give out illusion that it was all an accident and brutally engaged her sister in a horrible accident which took her life. It was clear that his motive was to get her property that is clearly the right of his son. I have further evidences in this report passed onto you...... "
I hope you will take the best decision"

Taehyung ended his speech with the solid proof.

Everyone was dead silent in the court room. Just lady's 18 year old son's slight sobbing and now Mr. Shaw's ragged breathing could be heard.

Well he was clearly caught red handed now.

The court ended with Mr. Shaw getting jailed for 14 years and a heavy fine. The son was given his rightful property inheritance.

Taehyung casually walked out of the Courtroom followed by his clients and other officials further discussing some details and they left after their final discussion and congratulating him for his another success.

He once again proved his capabilities without much effort as he was genius in almost everything he did.

"Hey tae" hoseok approached him,

" Man you surprise me every time. You literally solved this case in just 3 days??? I gotta take some notes from you. " hoseok chuckled

Taehyung just smirked and replied ,

" who thought Shaw would be so stupid to forget that neighbor's CCTV footage exist. Well he deserved his punishment. Such a bastard who killed his own sister. "

"Yeah you are right," hoseok said.
"Anyways lets go get some drinks. You must be exhausted."

"Actually I'm not that exhausted but sure lets go, "
replied taehyung as they both got into taehyung's Mercedes and drove to the bar to get some drinks.


"JEON JUNGKOOK STOP RIGHT THERE.....!!!! " Miri yelled.
As she caught jungkook sneaking out of the house when clock was hitting 10 PM which meant it was passed time limit jungkook was allowed to stay out.

Jungkook gulped and then faced her mother with an embarrassed smile

"Hi Mom!!!" He chirped

"I think i heard hyung call me so i was going to open door for him," he smiled sheepishly praying his mother would believe him.

"Who you are kidding??? Yoongi had keys with him. He never asked to open the door,"
Miri glared at her youngest son , a literal spawn of Satan prettily dressed in black ripped jeans and a grey sweat shirt.

"Maaa" jungkook whined
" why i cant stay out late just for once?? Its yugy's birthday and literally whole school is coming except me!!! His BFF " he sighed.

"Jungkook i think i made myself clear a long time ago that you are not allowed outside after 10 PM. But if you still insists then you can easily disobey me and go i won't stop you. "

Miri said with disappointment and left him alone and walked towards her room.

Jungkook was clearly pissed at him self now that he had disappointed his mother.
He cant bear seeing that look In her mother's eyes. He know how much she struggled to raise him and yoongi and how much she loves and care for them.
And here he was upsetting his dear mother for some stupid party.
He slowly walked towards Miri's room and knocked at her door.

"You can come inside" came reply after a little pause and he entered his head hung low.
Sitting in front of his mother he held her hands in his and started,

" I'm sorry to disappoint you Mom. I was really out of my mind thinking i could enjoy the party by lying to you. But no i can never be at peace thinking that i have lied to you. I'm really sorry and i mean it. I wont do it again" , he said with a sad pout on his beautiful face which Miri can never resist.

She smiled and held him in her embrace assuring him that she was not mad anymore.

"its okay baby. You realized your mistake and that's all that matters. I just love you too much to see you getting hurt. I know I'm being strict but its for your own good my love. You have to stay away from all the evils and bad company. " Miri said

"I know Mom" he whispered.

"I know yugy is a good friend but i also know how rich he is and what kind of party it would be. Don't want my baby getting drunk and hurt" she coaxed.

He just hummed in return.

"Well you can go on lunch with yugyeom after college and have fun and celebrate his birthday there. Right? "

"yes mom i will do that" he smiled and answered.

'That's my baby" she gently pecked his forehead and ran her fingers through his silky soft raven hair which reminded him of his lost husband. And she just smiled.

"Now be a good boy and go to bed i have to call yoongi he is late from his office. "

"yes mom. Good Night." jungkook pecked her forehead.

"Good night jungkook i love you just know that."

"I love you too Mom" he replied and went to his room.

He informed yugyeom that he won't be able to attend his party which he understood knowing jungkook's mother.

Jungkook laid in his bed a little sad but it was all okay because he knew how much his mother loves him and how she will panic if he was out of her sight for a little too long.

She did everything in her power to keep her children safe and it was all to make them a good person who believed in goodness .

He laid for some time and drifted to sleep.......

"Good night Dad. we love you"

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