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A week has passed since Jeon Miri's accident. And she was getting better sooner than expected considering it wasn't a major problem just a slight dislocation of radius bone of the arm.

Jungkook was coming college as usual but he decided to stay two days with miri. He also told his friends that Kim Taehyung just wanted to apologise that day and they had coffee. They were surprised but the topic was soon forgotten.
Now he was back in college.
The classes were over for the day and they all friends were leaving for their homes in their cars and bikes. Jungkook will have to take the bus to reach house. While he was leaving college he received a call from a private no. He immediately recognized who was it.

"look behind you" he turned and saw taehyung in his car smiling at him.
He was surprised but acted normal.
Taehyung approached him.

"How are you?" he asked
"I'm fine. " he replied in a normal tone.

"You okay? You weren't replying to any of texts and calls?? " taehyung asked him as he noticed his change of behavior.

"That's none of your business." jungkook replied and started to walk away.

Actually jungkook was irked with the thought of rich people because of the recent episode of Miri's accident.

He started to think that all rich people were bad. Not his fault when he always heard bad things about them. Even his father was killed by an caused by a rich businessman but he was released because he was RICH Although his friends were rich to but that was another case. So he was continuously ignoring taehyung's texts and calls.

He was stopped when taehyung held his arm and faced him.

"what happened why are you behaving like this. Did someone bothered you? Just tell me and I'll______-......."

"You are my problem. You and all these stupid rich people are my problem " he yelled.

"Jungkook" taehyung said darkly as he wasn't used to this type of disrespect at all.

"Leave me i have to take the bus." jungkook said as he was trying to get out of taehyung's grip.

"No you can't leave just yet. I have to talk to you. " taehyung said

Jungkook protested when taehyung dragged him in his car and locked the car.

" Leave me what the hell. Who do you think you are. You just can't always do as you please you rich stupid" he yelled again trying to open the door but to no avail.

"First calm down" taehyung said in a cold tone.
And jungkook stopped thrashing around and sat still.

" I understand you might have bad experiences with rich people. But don't you think you are also being bad while generalizing all rich people. People are people. They can be good or bad no matter if they are rich or poor. It all depends upon a person's morals and upbringings. So stop blaming me and please tell me what happened." taehyung ended.

Jungkook was silent as he realized taehyung was right and he blamed him for nothing. He was just mad.

"sorry" he whispered like a baby and taehyung can kiss his pouty lips at this moment but he refrained and instead held his hand.

"Now tell me what happened?" he asked in a gentle tone.

"A stupid hurt my mom with his car and instead of an apology he threw money and left. She had a dislocated bone and had to put a cast around her arm" he said with a sad pout.

Taehyung's face paled.

"your mom was hurt? " he asked again.
"Yes i just told you" jungkook replied.

Taehyung composed himself " No i mean is she okay. She wasn't hurt much right?? " he asked with a worried tone.

"yeah she wasn't injured badly Fortunately" jungkook replied with a smile and Taehyung smiled in return while he still held jungkook's hand in his...

"Why are you being nice to me " jungkook asked suspiciously

" I want to get to know you better, maybe that's why" taehyung replied.

"Why " jungkook was dumbfounded." But you have all your friends why you want to get to know me?"

"I don't know maybe i can have a brave person like you with me, who likes to save people and environment." taehyung said deliberately bringing jungkook's field of study considering how much he likes it.

"Hey you don't have to haha. " jungkook slapped taehyung's arm jokingly as he was embarrassed.

And taehyung winced slightly at the harsh contact.

"So friends?? " taehyung asked.
"Friends" jungkook confirmed with a smile.

They had ice cream after that and then taehyung dropped him at his house and waited outside until he entered his house and the door of the small house was closed...


Kim Hyunbin was sitting in the study room slash his work room at home .
He was reading a book he used to read when he was in his 30s. Its been many years and today he suddenly had an urge to read it again.

While he was reading the book when suddenly a picture fell on the ground. The picture was placed in the book. He remembered placing it in it.

He took the picture and stared at it. There it was. The most important people of his life yejin, taehyung with a 6 months old baby in his lap and yejin was also holding the baby in case 5 year old taehyung dropped the baby. His best friend jiwook and his wife and their son. They were all looking extremely happy.

A tear dropped out of his eyes seeing his once heaven.

And the flashback of the moment when this picture was taken came before his eyes.

How taehyung was fighting to hold the baby in his arms and was angry because he said he can protect his wife while yejin was struggling with stubborn taehyung asking him to let her hold the baby.

Hyunbin Jiwook and his wife was just laughing at a possessive taehyung and fed up yejin. They all agreed with taehyung placing baby in his lap and yejin holding it in place. They all looked at the camera and the perfect moment was caught.

Hyunbin was pulled out of his thoughts when he picked up another picture placed with the first one. It was picture of an extremely pretty 4 year old baby.

" I hope you all are doing good" he whispered to no one in Particular.


"Jungkook open the door. Seokjin is here." Miri called from the living room and jungkook opened the door for the jin hyung.

He brought miri's favorite cake and also to see her as he heard she was caught in an accident.

They were all having tea and cake when seokjin suddenly asked:

"Jungkook why were you with Kim taehyung that day?? "

And miri stopped in her tracks and looked at jungkook with a shocked face........................

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