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Cactus_Girl1673 tagged me

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Cactus_Girl1673 tagged me. Thank you!

1. I've had a crush on the same guy for 4 years. He's also my guy best friend. And, no. It's not like the typical best friend in love. He doesn't have a girlfriend.

2. Black (I'm not emo)

3. Harry Potter, because still haven't read Hunger Games.

4. Chocolate and this Indian dessert called Peni.

5. I get called different names every single day.

6. 4 months

7. Fangirl

8. Jet black

9. Dogs

10. Cactus_Girl1673 I'm also reading Son of Neptune.

The super cool people I'm gonna tag:

1. LiloDraws
2. cwang1
3. Pretty_July
4. ThePJOFan
5. RajitaTheFangirl
6. NeverEndingStory1280
7. cydneydawsonxo
8. nicodiangelo786
10. LoveLifeBooks4eva
11. Aiph0s
13. brittanyxsue
14. AntiSocialSeal12
15. TaraLoh
16. donnaheyde
17. Percie_Kae
18. _IshaKae_
19. newest_bestest_fan
20. amairah19

Just so you know, @Cactus_Girl1673, you're cool too. I just didn't want to tag you back.

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