Obstacle Course

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(Same pov)
"Nobody's going home unless everybody finishes."

  "Ugh. Why do they get to stop?" Ally asked.


  "I wanna help set up too." She said

  "Alright. Help me after you finish the rest of your push-ups and run 12 laps. Okay?"

  "But why did you let them stop?" Sam, I think, asked.

  "Because they've finished 50 push-ups and 12 laps."

  "14 for Thalia." Piper said. No way, she could be so fast. "She basically spent the past 4-5 years running."

"Now come help me set up this course." He yelled at them.

  They all went up to him grinning and they had already finished setting up by the time I had finished my last round, so I thought I'd run more rounds than them and started my 6th lap.

  Not even halfway to halfway, I started panting. So, I thought I'd give up and ran in the opposite direction.

  "Jack O'Lantern! Finish your lap!" Coach shouted.

  "This is my 6th one Coach!" I yelled back.

  "Quit lieing, sissy." He shouted in his megaphone. The word 'sissy' came out in Darth Vader's voice and mooo could be heard after that. "Valdez give me another lap! Race O'Lantern over there. Start running!" Coach shouted.

  Well, this was going to be easy. I had the lead and he'd ran 12 laps, he ought to be tired. But boy, was I wrong, he had already finished his lap, by the time I was halfway across.

  "All of you get back here. Those of you still running will be running 2 more laps after this, those who are still doing push-ups will do 30 of them and 6 laps. And you 2," he pointed to Ally and Sam, "You'll do 10 extra for shouting at me. Now come Cupcakes."

  The obstacle course was.... just wow.

  You had sprint a considerably long distance, crawl on mud under a net and climb a rope (there were 4 ropes, two with knots and 2 without, so the class would be finished in 9 rounds and two others will be left.) Which you had to climb and swing to another rope on the other side of the wall which stood in between, so that you had to climb to the top, if you wanted to get across the wall, the only other way was to climb the wall. And then there was a platform which was high, almost as high as the wall. There were only two ladders, one at each side. They were made of ropes and they were swinging wildly. After reaching the platform, you had to climb a box like thingy about 7 ft high and pick a thick ring like thing.
(The kind Clarisse lifts in the SOM movie, which btw is awful and inaccurate as Hades.)

  "Two girls and two boys at a time, so make four lines and wait for your turn."

  First, it was a nerd, a guy who was neither bullied nor respected, Ally and Thalia. Ally was smirking.

  "Remove your heels." Coach said.

  "I'll manage. Afterall, I am only up against a nerd, nobody and newbie child." She said.

  "Suit yourself." Coach said, Thalia smirked.

  "First round: John Peterson. Thalia Gr- nevermind. Ben Kase. Ally Parker. And... start." He started the stopwatch and blew hus whistle.

  The nobody was in lead, he was running at a normal speed. The nerd followed and I was impressed, he was keeping up, but nowher near John, I think. Next, it was Ally, she stumbled on her heels and it didn't look like she was running. Thalia just stood there, examining her perfect, sharp for ripping of flesh, black and silver painted nails.

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