First Day

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Right now he was at the beach, Annabeth sitting in between his legs, staring at the sunset. Her blonde hair was tied up in a . . . thing that Percy had attempted. Loose strand tickled his nose as she leaned back against his chest, her skin getting tanner than usual because she spent most of her time helping build newer cabins. She turned around to face him and —

"Seaweed Brai — "


The alarm went off. Godsdammit! Couldn't a demigod dream in peace? Oh, right . . . they can't. He sat up, groaning, thankful that his shirt wasn't drenched in sweat. He had showered just before sleeping yesterday night, having fought a horde of monsters in an alley.

Contrary to popular belief, Percy didn't always sleep without a shirt. Just sometimes.

The beeping in the background hadn't stopped yet and if it didn't soon, he was going to have a headache. Then he remembered he had to smash it to shut it. After doing so, he dragged himself out of the bed brushed his teeth, washed his face, because, hey, you don't wanna look bad on your first day of school, and got dressed. He didn't bother trying to comb his hair, because he knew there was nothing that could be done to tame it and also because Annabeth told him she liked it better when it was messy.

He was pretty sure she'd almost called him hot, then broke into a coughing fit, turning red. He'd called her cute without coughing or turning red.

The alarm showed that it was 7:30 and he went out to the kitchen to get breakfast.

"Mornin', Mom." He said.

"Good morning, Percy!" she greeted back in her usual, cheery manner, "Is my wittle baby weady for school?"

"Mom!" Percy sang, pretending to be indignant. "This is not the first time I'm going to school."

"You haven't been to school for a little more than a year, Perce." She handed him a plate flower-shaped of blue waffles cut in neat hearts, each made of two petals. With blueberries and blue syrup.

"You can blame Hera for that," Percy mumbled, after sucking the back the little drool which had managed to escape his lips at the sight of his delicious breakfast.

Sally continued, as though he hadn't spoken, "And you just fought a war last month. You could've waited 'til next or even November."

"But I really want to get into New Rome University and I'll need to graduate for that." He reasoned.

"About that, Percy. I don't really like the idea of you two living with a bunch of people who tried to kill you."

"That's not the primary aim of most Romans, now that Octavian is not there to egg on them." He said with a blue mouth.

Sally tossed him a napkin, "Most of them, Percy. I don't think its safe — "
Percy snorted.
"Can't you get your diploma somewhere else?" She asked, turning back to make more waffles for herself.

"I can, but will any of them give me a free and guaranteed ride to college?"

"Wait, wha — guaranteed college?" She whipped around

"Yeah," Percy confirmed, resisting the urge to smirk.

"I'll . . . think about it." She trailed off.

Percy stuffed the last of the waffles into his mouth, wiped it with the napkin and kissed Sally on the cheek before he walked out of the door, blueberries in hand.

He reached Goode. The building hadn't changed a bit. It still had the same throng of students, but now, instead of most of them looming above him and pushing him around like the rest, he could actually see what was there (and not just shirts, animative hands and down the occasional cheerleader's shirt. Unintentionally). Surprisingly, or maybe not, most of them stopped to stare. He was used to getting stared at. At Camp, but not at school. Yes, there was a fair bit of it when he had returned from the Titan war, but not much as now.

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