IMPORTANT! You could save lives!

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I may be late, but there are still people who need to know about this.

  More Anti-Trans bills have been introduced in 2021 than any year in history. Trans rights are under siege in over half of the United States this year. At least 115 anti-trans bills have been introduced across 33 states across the country, with advocacy groups calling 2021 a record-breaking year for such legislation.

  On March 11, 2021, Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed SB 2536, an anti-transgender sports bill, marking the first piece of anti-LGBTQ or specifically anti-transgender legislation this year to become law. On April 6, Arkansas became the first state to outlaw providing gender-affirming treatment to minors.

  According to data from the Human Rights Campaign, one of the nation's largest LGBTQ advocacy groups, at least 117 bills have been introduced in the current legislative session that targets the transgender community. It's the highest number the organization has recorded since it began tracking anti-LGBTQ legislation more than 15 years ago.

  There are even bans/restrictions on transgender medical care, 29 of which are passed this year (within 5 months alone). One bill recently introduced in Alabama would make it a felony for medical providers to provide transition-related care to transgender minors. 48 are anti-trans sports bills. Allowing genital inspection of sportswomen suspected of being trans, which is also a violation of women's rights. Many have already been passed.

  Passing anti-trans bills won't stop any trans youth from being trans — it will only prevent some trans youth from growing up at all.

  Sign as many petitions as you can or you can even create your own petition. Wattpad won't let me paste links in my story, so here's the link to my account. I've linked petitions and other things on my message board.

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