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"Do I have to go, Liam?" Harry asks like a little child, wanting nothing more than to come back to his flat where he was supposed to be. Today he was supposed to have weekly skincare routine with Rebecca. Instead of that, Liam made him go out with him and Zayn to the club. They knew Harry hated those, though.

"Why, to paint your nails and have that green something on your face?" Zayn asks and Harry frowns.

"So what, it's fun. You should try it sometimes."

"What Zayn meant is that you need some lads fun, like get wasted time. And that's what we are about to do, my dear friend," Liam suddenly takes Harry by his hand and they walk into the loud building together. Harry really wants to be home and paint his nails, though. The colour is slightly scratched, it doesn't look that nice. He likes the colour Rebecca picked for him - sky blue.

Harry never felt ashamed of this side of him. He doesn't care what others think of him, he thinks it is important to take care of the body. And he certainly doesn't think something is 'just girl's activity'. Anyone can do whatever they feel comfortable with, meaning boys can take care of their body like girls do, or girls can do laddy things like boys usually do. He doesn't understand why when girls do boys things like playing video games or go out for a beer it's cool and hot, and when boys do skincare routines or paint nails or watch reality shows are lame, or straight-up called gays.

He loves his time spent with Rebecca. They always talk gossips while painting nails and have all kind of face masks on. They tried a few hair masks, too. They also massage each other's hands, backs and feet. They either order in some Chinese or just make some salad. Rebecca and Harry even made a deal of not eating meat or eating it once a week, at least. Since they started this weekly routine, Harry's body feels better, stronger and healthier. The boys asked him how it is his skin is so flawless and his body looks more fit, and when he says it's his and Rebecca's sleepovers, they can't fully comprehend it.

They stop in front of the huge bodyguard asking for the tickets. Since Harry didn't know he is even coming, Liam shows his phone to the man. The man nods once and Liam, still holding Harry's hand just drags him inside.

The room is loud. It is a very exclusive club in Hollywood. It was opened just a few weeks back with very selected attendance. It means there were more celebrities one could count and an ordinary person couldn't just come in. It must be very expensive to buy a pass here and Harry doesn't like it at all.

All three of them line up next to each other at a bar, asking for some shots. 

They make small talks while looking around and checking out people. Zayn and Liam are in that stage of drunkness, where they point at random girls and rank their appearance. Harry just shakes his head at them. He didn't want to participate, so he just looks around and sips his fancy cocktail.

"Quite boring here, huh?" someone asks next to Harry. It's a male voice. Very familiar.

Harry looks to his side, where the man is sitting on a bar chair. He knows he met the man before, but he can't really recall where. He is just looking at him, frowning and trying to remember where he met the man. The stranger looks like he knows Harry is trying to recall him, so he just sits and smiles at him.

"Holy shit, Louis! What are you doing here, you tit!" Zayn screams and jumps onto the man. Louis laughs and hugs Zayn back.

"Hey mate, you good? I just went to a party, you know me," Louis talks with Zayn for a while but looks at Harry every once a while with a smile. Harry feels shy, something about the brown-haired man is persuasive, mischievous and fun. He makes Harry blush.

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