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_____The Inbetween_____

It's nine in the morning and Harry walks down the road to the beach. The beach is mostly empty, just a few people jogging around. He quietly walks further from the touristic spot, down the golden warm sand until he reaches the slightly messy part of the beach that is not cleaned. Tourists do not go further, why would they. There are a lot of seaweeds around tossed by the waves of the ocean. It seems like the treasure that the sea wants to share with people, but they are too ignorant to appreciate such a gift.

Harry finds his spot under the small palm trees that makes a perfect shadow on the ground. Today he didn't bring a blanket or his favourite fruit to celebrate such a lovely day. He is not supposed to be here anyway. He was supposed to open the flower store with the old lady, but he decided today he wants to hear what the ocean has to say. 

While he is sitting under the palm trees like a sad small bean, he just carefully listens to the waves and remembering all of the moments he spent here with Summer.

Their first day at the beach. He indeed ended up sunburnt and his red skin hurt at least the next four days. Summer laughed and teased him for it even longer but Harry didn't really mind.

Listening to the waves, it's like his mind was a boat. The boat just casually rocks on the water and Harry just wants to take the anchor out and sail away with his boat full of imaginations.

He is imagining how it could look like in the future. He and Summer married and having kids. He would bring them all here every Sunday, with an even bigger blanket and more containers with fruit. He is imagining having three kids, two girls, and one boy. The boy would be the oldest one, so he would look after his two small sisters. He would be at least two years older from his sister and the youngest would be just in Summer's belly. Her belly would be big and vividly seen proudly through soft light beach dress. 

He would just set up the blanket under the palm trees, which grew quite a size since he found out this spot. He is now happily married, working in a big bank company, right below his boss. He cannot ask for a happier life than this.

"Dad! Winter doesn't want to pass me the sand tools!" Harry hears from the distance. He looks up from his very old backpack full of fruit and sets his eyes on two tiny people fighting over the toys.

"Don't fight! We discussed it already, guys," Harry stands and approaches their children, "rather than making the fight, make a team. C'mon, I wanna see a big castle you were talking about on Wednesday!"

Harry then looks another way, where his wife stands. Her black curly hair is not as long as they used to be. Now they make rather a very pretty afro that she put into a hair tie. She is looking at the horizon, waves washing her ankles just slightly. Her brown skin glistens on the Sun, coated with a thin layer of sweat. Harry will never stop appreciate such beauty.

"Honey, you should go under the palms and relax a little, Sun is very bright and warm today, come cool down and eat some," he whispers into Summer's ear and kisses her neck lightly. Then he gently rubs her belly with his huge hand and smiles to himself.

"I am good, baby. I just want to look around a bit, because I am going to the hospital next week and wait for this little thing to pop out finally," she answers and strokes Harry's cheek. She is excited to give birth to her third child, but also at this point she is very irritated to walk around with such a big stomach. This is her third time carrying a child but surely the most complicated one. Summer never experienced such a morning sickness or mood changes like this. She definitely annoyed Harry like hell, but even though he looked annoyed or angry, he never said a word and at night, he just cuddled Summer and talked to his little unborn daughter how 'moody' her mummy really is. He never dared to complain about it. Liam would always complain about how his wife is very moody and eats everything she sees, but Harry just listens. He never complains back, because he is forever grateful that Summer is strong and kind enough to carry his children. 

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