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It's been 6 months since the party. Today is exactly two years of Harry and Summer's first conversation in the Beachwood cafe. Harry actually realizes this the funniest way possible.

It is yet another sunny day in Los Angeles. Harry is walking down the street with his backpack at the back. He is approaching the cafe and walks through the same old door he was walking past the whole 3 years. He sits down on his usual table and pulls out his notebook and pen from his backpack. He waits a little while when Rebecca comes and greets him kindly.

"Good morning, Harry," she smiles at her long time friend, already knowing what he is about to order. 

"Good morning Bec, can I please get one bullet coffee and cherry cheesecake," he looks up at her with a bright smile. She smiles back and nods. While Rebecca is pretending to write down an already memorable order, Harry looks out of the window where he can see the empty seats outside this place. 

After a little while, Rebecca comes back with his order and puts it in front of him. They say nothing and Harry opens the notebook. He has the last few pages left, leaving Harry feeling a little uneasy with that. He has to buy another one.

He flips pages, but suddenly it slaps his face:


His neat, almost girly handwriting reminding him what day it is. Harry doesn't know how to breathe for a small moment until he releases a sigh. His eyes shoot up to the seat where she sat back that day. It's empty, but he can vividly see her sitting there, sipping her drink, and letting the morning sun get to her golden skin.

It's been two years. He can't believe it.

It's been such a long journey since that day. He never had such an exciting eventful life before he met Summer. His life was mostly made up of stereotypes and 'I have to survive' actions. He never fully enjoyed life. Until today but two years ago.

"It's two years," Harry states when Rebecca comes to take away empty cup and plate. She looks at him confused, she doesn't understand what he is talking about. He looks outside the cafe window and she widens her eyes.

"You keep track of it?"

"No, I just realised randomly today," he looks back into his notebook.

"I like this one," Rebecca points to the quote you sunshine, you temptress and Harry just nods. "You know Harry, sometimes you make such beautiful word combinations. I am highly thinking if I could borrow your notebook and find some for a tattoo. If you wouldn't mind."

Harry thinks about it for a moment. Someone getting his thoughts tattooed?

"Alright," he agrees then and Rebecca smiles winningly.

"What's your plans for today, anyway?"

"The flower store and then I am going out with my dudes," he answers.


After a very busy day in the store, Harry finally has some alone quiet time with just himself before going out with his friends.

After the party, Harry felt like he and Zayn got a little closer. They may not talk much together, but both of them feel like brothers to another. Harry was surprised that Zayn brought him more customers to his business. He told about Harry's exquisite work to another of his friends, either Hollywood or just local buddies. Now Harry is getting so many orders for weddings, birthday parties, engagement parties, or baby showers. He even has done some flower work for the Kardashians and he can't just wait to see himself arranging the flower wall in the telly with Rebecca, and with their face masks on. He already saw the flower walls he arranged for them on social media, them tagging his business account and getting even more requests.

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