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Now it's been three months since Harry returned to Los Angeles. Since then a whole lot happened and changed for the man. It took a whole turn for him.

After the vacation in Arizona, the old lady passed away a few weeks later. Her heart condition got worse and it got her. Harry was shocked because he was the one who found her in her flat. It was an ordinary weekday when Harry was opening the flower store, but the old lady was not coming. He knew about her condition, about the new pills she was supposed to take. He thought she just slept in because of the pills. But when the closing hour was approaching and the old lady was still missing, Harry started to feel uneasy. He never went up the stairs to her flat, but he knew he had to. He found her there in the bed, looking like she is sleeping. He tried to wake her up but it didn't help. After 911 came, they stated her passing and Harry cried. She was like his grandmother. He couldn't believe she really passed away.

He stayed in the flat after they took her away. She had no family, only saved money for the funeral and Harry. He went through a little stuff she had there, just to remember all the conversations they had. During the time, he found an envelope with a letter, finding out the old lady's last statements.

Harry found out the old lady wanted to gift him both the flat and flower store. He was shocked to read that. He honestly didn't even think about the flower store and the job. She gifted him all, thanking him how he helped and made her last almost three years enjoyable. Harry cried the whole night.

He was at the funeral, with Zayn and Liam. The old lady didn't have anyone, just Harry. And Liam went to support him. Zayn came to support him too, and also because he was the customer of hers and truly liked the lady.

After all the paper stuff around the ownership, Harry decided to rent out the old lady's flat. Surprisingly, Liam asked him if he could rent it. He was living in uni dorms and thought it would be sick if he could live there and actually be closer to Harry. Harry agreed excitedly because he didn't know what to do there. He thought to move there, but he didn't want to live in a flat where she passed. Then he thought to make a bigger better flower store, or maybe redo the flat and make a small bookstore or cafe there. But he didn't have money to renovate.

 Liam renovated the flat though, his savings allowed him to buy very simple and cool furniture either secondhand or Ikea. Harry and Peter also helped him build the furniture, and Liam let Harry, Samantha, and Rebecca paint the walls. Now, Harry was kind of jealous he didn't do it himself and had such a pretty place. Maybe he will ask Liam if he could move in eventually. It would be so much fun if Liam and Harry lived together.

Today is just an ordinary Friday for Harry. Unless it's not. Zayn's friend is making a huge party at his house in Hollywood, and Zayn invited him, also saying he can invite whoever he wants. Harry is confused the whole time, how big is going to be the party then? A friend living in Hollywood? Everyone knows houses in Hollywood are not just like that.

Harry invited Rebecca and Liam with him. He invited Peter too but he said he is not up to some fancy dumb party. Harry just shrugged and was happy Liam and Rebecca accepted.

It's almost the closing time and Harry is happy to leave this place already. He likes his job but now he has so much more administrative and he honestly hates it.

"Hey pal, how was today?" Liam comes in. He just came from uni. He and Harry always meet here, for the obvious reason - Liam living above the garage.

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