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________Honeymoon Phase________

Harry and Summer met each other every morning for a few weeks at the same spot outside the coffee and talked about everything and anything. They learnt a lot about each other, Harry remembering each fact, and later on, he would write it into his notebook so he can't ever forget. He asked her so many things she couldn't keep track of what she said to him. On the other hand, every time she asked Harry, he simply answered with one or two sentences, not really keen to elaborate like Summer always did.

Summer didn't really understand why the boy keeps doing that, until one day he didn't show up. They didn't exchange numbers either, they never really thought of it. She also didn't think much of Harry not showing up, he is not obligated to do so.

"Sometimes he doesn't show up," Rebecca comes to Summer with her order and place it on the table.

"Do you know why?" Summer asks and looks at the girl. She cannot ignore how pretty the waitress is. Her ginger hair is put into a messy but and freckles cover her whole face. She is not tall at all, and her body is more on a chubby side, but it suits her regardless. Her green eyes, just like Harry's makes the girl seen like a reckless and brave creature not afraid of judgement. Summer wonders if there is something going on between Harry and the waitress. She saw them talking a lot before.

"Mostly because he likes to go wander around the sea too. Right before all the tourists come there. He really likes the sound of the waves. Maybe you could still catch him there," Rebecca shrugs and leaves.

Summer thinks for a few moments if she should go or not. She just doesn't want to invade his privacy just like that.

Nonetheless, she walks down the road to the beach seeing it is indeed almost empty. First tourists are showing up since it's not that early in the morning anymore. When Summer reaches the sand, she slips off her shoes and wanders around looking for particular brown curls.

She keeps walking down the beach, hoping to find him somewhere near. The beach is very long though, it would be a miracle if she found him. The waves crash onto the Summer's ankles while she walks further down. It's been maybe half an hour since she entered the place. This part of the beach is not even maintained anymore, but she doesn't mind. She nearly forgot why she came in the first place until a voice breaks the ocean's symphony.

"Rebecca told you?"

Summer turns her head to the direction the voice came from. There he is, sitting on a huge towel under the small set of palm trees, so he wouldn't get sunburnt. Instead of a simple one coloured t-shirt, he has a colourful long-sleeved one, and instead of the black jeans, he has just yellow shorts. What Summer starts laughing about is his choice of pink heart-shaped sunglasses he has set on his face.

"Those are pretty funky sunglasses Mr. Harry," she walks up to him and sits on the towel next to him.

"Well, one has to try," he laughs right back and puts his journal back into his backpack. "Help yourself here, I've got some berries, strawberries, and watermelon and... more berries!" he exclaims and points to the containers all around them. Summer only laughs and say: "The whole feast!"

"So Rebecca told you," Harry doesn't ask again, he just states what is obvious.

"Are you mad?" Summer asks and takes a strawberry and eats it.

"No, I assumed she would tell you. She knows why I don't come there sometimes. And I also assumed you would ask, you can't live without me anymore, do you?" he jokes and turns his head to the sky. Summer just shakes her head and chuckle.

She finds the man very cheeky and funny. He is not talking too much, but every time he tells something, it is worth it. She just can't get enough of his silliness. She doesn't understand why it is the way it is, but she doesn't care. Not everything has to make sense.

"Absolutely can't get enough of you. So obsessed. So in love. So pulled to you. Please don't ever leave me," she replies jokingly, but Harry's heart skips a few beats. He tries to look unfazed but he doesn't think he did a good job. "Don't worry love, I won't."

It is quiet after his reply, and both of them try to focus on the sound of the waves. "Do you want to go in?" Harry suddenly asks and looks at Summers side profile. He thinks she looks so stunning. Today she wears a very pretty golden necklace. It holds the word sunflower. Harry just smiles faintly at the word, thinking how it also perfectly describes the beautiful creature sitting next to him.

"Into the water? I-I don't have a swimsuit, though," Summer tries to reason.

"And? Does it matter? Just show your belly to the world, there is no one judging! I won't judge," he stands up and pulls off the t-shirt. He starts to run to the sea and when the water is up to his hips he dives in. Summer just shakes her head again with a wide grin and shrugs. It doesn't matter after all.

She pulls off her t-shirt like Harry did and also she pulls off her short jeans, so now she stands there under the palm trees in only her underwear. She runs to the water but doesn't dive in like Harry. She rather stands there, getting used to the chilly feel of the salt mass of water. In seconds, Harry appears right in front of her and tackle her down underwater. Summer was not prepared for such an attack, so when she dives out she starts to cough.

"You idiot!" She screams jokingly while rubbing her scratching eyes. He just laughs like it's the funniest thing in the world. She starts splashing the water on him while he tries to cover himself. Summer gets to him pretty quickly and jumps on him in order to do the same to him. The only difference is he doesn't even budge.

"Ha nice try, madam," he looks at her. She still clings onto him. They look at each other in the eyes and slight smiles appear on their faces. Harry loves how her smooth skin feels against his, he loves how warm she feels.

"Your skin is like the end of June, so warm," he says out loud while scanning her chocolate neck and arms. He runs his fingers through her skin, he just wants to feel it. Summer doesn't mind a little bit, she feels like she matters finally.

"And you are such a walking poem, Harry," she replies and strokes the back of his head.

Later on, they both lay on the sand while waves sometimes touch their legs and they just let the Sun get to them.

"I am going to be so sunburnt," Harry comments with a low voice, his eyes shut.

Summer peaks at him and laughs a little. "Yeah, I can already see the pinkness on your face and stomach, you are gonna look like a pig," she pokes his cheek. "What a shame you don't wear those sunglasses now, I would pay anything to see their shape around your eyes permanently."

"Oh, so this is how it is! You just want to have a laugh on me!" Harry stands up and walks up to his towel. Summer now doesn't know if he is offended or not, so she comes to Harry quickly.

"I am sorry if I-"

"Summer I thought we both knew we are joking," he says with a smile and bites into his watermelon. Summer sits next to him and takes one as well.

And so they spend their summer evening together on a beach.

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