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I let Jungkook drag me. He took me to the college garden. He exhaled a big sigh and looked up to him.

Is there something bothering him?

He finally opened his mouth to speak.
"I want to know why our princess Rosé is helping you? Would you tell me?", he asked me patiently.

Well..why should I? When I asked him something he never answers and all he wanted was to avoid me and tell me to stay away from. But why now care to talk to me?

I stood expressionless but i was angry. He could sense it. I just tilted my head to scoff and i sighed.

"Ya! Did you just scoff in front of me? Don't think I would let you go just because you are under Rosé protection. You know that i can kill you anytime right?", he showed his bitchy attitude all of a sudden.

"Who do you think you are Jungkook? One day you come and talk with me,smile because of our handshake, and the next day you are the one who avoids me. And now?... why are you talking to me? Aren't I supposed to stay away from you?", i talked back to him feeling irritated.

I didn't know why i got irritated. But his irritation just passed on to me.

I can't believe what I just spoke. I just wish he can't read my mind.

I waited for his answer cause I thought he heard my mind. But...something's wrong. From morning even Taehyung did not read my mind and now Jungkook too. It is weird. Did Rosé do this?...

She could have... But I'm not sure.

Anyways I saw flustered Jungkook.

He tried to open his mouth but stopped.

"Jungkook, I'm waiting... answer me or I'm leaving.",I told him.

"No! don't leave..",he looked at me.

"I am confused by your actions Jungkook... explain yourself. I'm stressed because of you. Just tell me why are you messing up with my mind?"

I wanted him to confess his feelings. I wanted to know if he likes me or not.

He gulped.

"I can't answer now Chae...", there he goes. He called me again with a nickname.

"Then why did you help me back when I fainted that day in front the grocery store?",I asked him because I wanted to know how he found me..

"That... that.. should I tell the truth? But promise me you won't tell Rosé about this.. please", he begged.

I nodded yes.

And he explained that he actually drained my energy after he got into a fight.

"You did what?!", i got mad at him. Furiously mad.

I was breathing fast if only I was a dragon, fire would've come out of my nostrils.

He panicked and tried to make me calm me down. And I didn't. You are dead meat in my hands Jungkook. He almost killed me thrice. One on his first day, then with Taehyung and that day .

I didn't want to talk to him. Who does he think of himself and how could he just drain me...?.. and why me?

I turned my heels and walked fast. I didn't stop when he called me.

What I do to deserve to be lived among vampires?
Everything was perfect but this vampire thing just makes me stressed me a lot.

I walked aimlessly and I didn't want to attend the next class so I went to a quieter place of our college.

I sat there relaxing myself. But soon I felt someone watching me. When I looked around no one was there. It's spooky. I figured out is not a nice place to spend time so got up to go somewhere else but I heard footsteps . And they grew louder.

I basically ran and I know this is not some friendly vampire, it was a vampire which emitted cold aura.

Someone save me...

And I was pulled by someone's grip on my forearm. Before I could open my mouth that person closed my mouth to prevent sound.

For a strange reason I was not scared in his hold. I felt his heartbeat as my back was pressed against his chest. Without looking art him I could tell it was Jungkook. I became calm on his hold and I listened to his heartbeat. But his body was stiff. He slowly removed his hand that was covering my mouth. And we stayed in that position for a few minutes.

I don't know who was chasing me. For one thing sure, it was not a good person. But I want to thank that person for giving me this moment with Jungkook.

Jungkook,... though you tell me stay away I find myself more attracted to you and I know you feel the same.

Slowly he turned me face him.

I looked at him straight at his eyes and he did the same. Strange tension prevailed and I could feel low electric shocks from his stare.

" I'm sorry Chae... there was a reason why I had to stay away from you because I was confused with myself when I was with you... would you believe if I tell you that you are my mate?... I sound crazy right?? I wanted to confirm that and now I'm sure of that. I'm sorry... please stay with me. ", he finally spoke and gave me his puppy eyes.

Without realising I was touched by his words I stood without a single movement.

He confessed to me. Damn Jungkook...
I'm his mate??

Jungkook just accepted his feelings.. But is it a good thing? He is a vampire though and I'm a human.. and Rosé told me stay away from him too. I'm sure her reason must differ from Jungkook's reason to stay away from me. But what is it?

My Bloody Vampire [2019]Where stories live. Discover now