"I'll be fine with being sick together." He chuckles, planting a kiss the tip of my nose, and on my lips. "I won't get sick, I promise." He smiles and I nod. "(Y/n)." He says, closing his eyes.

"Yes?" I reply, closing my eyes as well, feeling the weighty on my lids. He brings himself closer to me, tucking strands of my hair behind my ear.

"I'll take care of you no matter when or what, I love you."


To love someone like me, even if I'm kinda crazy, I'm happy. Above everyone else, aside from my family, thank you for loving me.

Just to see you smiling, clapping your hands, saying that you're proud of me, nothing else makes me happier than hearing your voice.

Sometimes whenever you're sick I wonder if I had pushed you too hard, coming to watch my games just to watch me play. Staying until late hour with me in school just to wait for me to finish practice.

I'm sorry if I've pushed you too hard, I just wanted to show the best of me. I don't want you seeing my weak points, although you have seen quite a few already. I didn't want you regretting anything, I don't want you to regret choosing me above everybody else.

    "(Y/n), can I stay tonight?" I ask, feeding her porridge. She looks at me with questioning eyes, I purse my lips trying to think of an excuse. "I know we have school already by tomorrow, but I don't want to leave you all alone." I place the bowl on the side table and she just looks at me.

    "Your uniform?" Is all she asks.

    "I'll get it. I'll go home and get it, I'll stay over tonight and I'll take care of you. Please let me." I hold her hands and bury my face in them. "It's also kinda my fault that you're sick." She chuckles, I look up and she smiles at me.

    "I can't stop you. You'd still go home and get it either way." I embrace her, playing with her hair.

    She understands me. She always understands my part. But I always sulk and complain whenever she can't do something or come to my matches.

    Just like the training camp, I sulked when she wasn't able to come, then I didn't talk to her the next two mornings. I checked on her and her temperature was rising, I should've taken care of her.

    We always argue because of me. I always start arguments and she just quietly receives and accepts my complaints.

    "I'm so blessed to have you."

—— M o n t h s L a t e r ——

    We've graduated and we've achieved something incredible. We won second place in the Nationals, it's kinda disappointing that we didn't win first place but that doesn't matter. He shone more than he had in the past.

    Kou is getting more responsible, and he doesn't always waver nowadays. He doesn't rely on his mood swings when he plays, his role as an ace has improved a lot since the third day of nationals.

    Kou has become more of a reliable boyfriend, I kinda wished he was just that airhead that I could take care of. Back then he was cute, now he's handsome— hot.

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