Page 11 - The Ability

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Sitting in the desk in front of Shadow is a Flareon, Shadow was moving with great skepticism. "Do not worry, I will not harm you Shadow." She said, "wh-who are you?" Shadow said with slight confusion, "oh where are my manners, my name is Faye, I run this place." Said the Flareon, "how do you know my name?" He asked her.

"I have cameras everywhere, everywhere except the rooms, if I had them in the rooms it'd be invasion of privacy." She explained. "Why was I invited to this place, a normal suicidal eevee, of all things, why?" He asked.

"You have special abilities that is extremely rare, legendary, if you will, all other eeveelutions here do, like your mate for instance. Usually a Vaporeon can only disappear when in water, but not Selene, she can disappear and reappear at any time." She explained.

"I have no special abilities, sure I may be a little different than most but I have no abilities." He said confused, "you do, how else do you think you went from a normal Eevee to a Shiny Umbreon? We have Espeons on the streets using their phsycic abilities to find any and all Eeveelutions that have unique and special abilities." She explained.

"But you, you're different. Every single time, they always keep their abilities even when they evolve, but not you, your abilities changed when you evolved, you have the ability of shadow. You can move almost as fast as a Jolteon can, you can disappear into the shadows, and last but not least phase through walls as long as both sides of the part of wall you phase through has shadow reflected onto them.

However because of this you have a weakness that no other Umbreon has, you are weak against fire, which is why I called this ability the 'ability of shadow' ." She explained to him. Shadow just remembered what Josh had said earlier. "So why invite them here? What is your true purpose for all this?" Shadow asked her.

"Well I just want to help others unlock their abilities, I am also following my families legacy, this building has existed for generations doing what it does today, I have a long line of generations running this place, as a matter of fact I was a great friend of your parents when I was merely a child, I met them here....this place was where you were born" she explained.

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