57 - Jungkook's Birthday Plan

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~ 10:00 AM ~
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Jina: Ugh, can't believe that it's September in a few days. T-T
Jina: I don't want to go back to college! >:(

Leejin: Don't you think we all feel that way Jina? ;^;
Leejin: And September isn't in a few days. It's literally tomorrow.

Nari: Summer went by so fast. :(

Nayoung: It didn't even feel like summer to be honest... :/

Y/N: Yeah, that's because we were mostly at work for most of the summer holidays. '^^
Y/N: But you know, college books for courses aren't cheap. Some are over $100. >3<

Nari: True. One of our books for one of our courses last semester costed $189. Like dude! We're students and we barely have time to do work and complete all of our homework and assignments and projects and study for tests! It's insane! >:(

Jina: Amen to that sister! >:(

Leejin: Well, the only bright side about going back to college is that we have brand new outfits to show off. ;P

Jina: True. It's just too bad that the boys won't be able to see them. :'(

Nayoung: We can always take pictures and send them to the boys. Plus, when we post with our new outfits on then they'll be able to see them. ^^

Jina: That's not what I meant and it's not the same. 7-7
Jina: I meant they won't be able to see our new outfits in person. ;(

Y/N: Maybe not now, but it's very probable in the future that they'll get to see us in the future, so we can show them off then. :)
Y/N: Plus, we'll no doubt have more new outfits! XD

Nari: Probably and then Jina will complain about not being able to show off those outfits too and we'll tell her that she can in the future. It'll be a never-ending cycle. XP

Namjoon: It may happen sooner than you may expect it to. :)

Jina: Namjoon daddy! I missed you! :(

Y/N: Hi Namjoon, what's up? ^^

Namjoon: I missed you too Jina. ;)
Namjoon: And hello Y/N. Hello girls. :)
Namjoon: Well, we have something to discuss, specifically with Y/N actually. '^^

Jina: Just with Y/N/N? O-o

Leejin: Who's "we"? O-O

Nari: I'm assuming that he means him and the other members. Not entirely sure though. '^^

Namjoon: Yes, the members and I have something to discuss with you. :)
Namjoon: Well, except for Jungkook. He won't be here for today and tomorrow.

Y/N: Huh? How come? Did something happen? >o<

Namjoon: Well, something will be happening...

Nayoung: That didn't make a lot of sense Namjoon, which is surprising considering since you have a very high IQ. '^^

Yoongi: Something is going to happen tomorrow. ¬^¬

Jina: Well, what is it?! O-o

Taehyung: It's someone's birthday tomorrow. ;)

Nari: OMG!! It's Jungkook's birthday tomorrow!! O^O

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