18 - BTS Mayhem

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~ 7:00 AM ~
~ Messages Opened ~

Jungkook: Hyungs, calm down!

Yoongi: Calm down?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?! >:(

Seokjin: Yoongi! Language!

Hoseok: Guys, can we please calm down? We're really blowing this out of proportions.... >-<

Yoongi: Blowing it out of proportions?!
Yoongi: Namjoon literally broke the entire set for our upcoming music video!!!

Jimin: He didn't do it on purpose.
Jimin: You know how clumsy he can be sometimes.

Yoongi: Yeah, I've been well aware of that since our debut. What's your point? -_-

Seokjin: Yoongi, getting angry and yelling at him won't help anything or anybody. What's done is done. All we can do is wait for the set team to recreate the set again. :/

Yoongi: And do you realize how long that's going to take?!
Yoongi: It already took two whole months for the set team to create!
Yoongi: With our schedule, we don't have time to wait for the set team to recreate the set again!
Yoongi: Plus, our new album is supposed to come out in three weeks!!
Yoongi: I am in no way blowing things out of proportion!!

Jungkook: Hyung, take a deep breath please.

Hoseok: Yeah, let's all take a deep breath and calm our minds.

Jimin: Plus, Namjoon already apologized more than a thousand times to everyone.

Jungkook: Yeah, Namjoon hyung already feels bad enough. We shouldn't be making him feel worse with this.

Yoongi: .........

Jungkook: Suga hyung?

Yoongi: I need to go calm myself down.
Yoongi: Bye....

Jungkook: Ok hyung, talk to you later.

Seokjin: Yes, please do Yoongi.

Jimin: See you Yoongi.

Hoseok: Bye Yoongi! Later let's work on a new remix! :)

Seokjin: Aish, Yoongi is really mad. ;^;

Jimin: Yeah. Namjoon has been locked up in his studio for the past 3 hours.

Jungkook: I feel bad for Namjoon hyung. I know he really didn't mean to break the set for the video, but now we're going to be really behind schedule. The fans are going to be disappointed since we made an announcement that the new music video would be out in three weeks.

Hoseok: I think the fans will understand Jungkook.

Seokjin: Yes, things happen.

Jungkook: I guess, but...

Jimin: It's ok Jungkook. The fans will understand. Besides, there's nothing really that we can do.

Jungkook: I hope so...

Seokjin: Jungkook, are you ok?

Jungkook: No, Suga hyung and Namjoon hyung are fighting, our video set is broken, and our schedule is going to fall behind. I'm sad that I can't do anything to make things better.

Hoseok: Jungkook, please don't be sad. It'll be alright.

Jimin: Jungkook, do you need a hug?

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