34 - Sick Y/N & Persistent Jungkook

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~ 8:00 PM ~
~ Messages Opened ~

Jungkook: Y/N/N~!

Y/N: Hi~ Jungkookie~!

Jungkook: Hi~! I liked the chibi drawings and so did the other members!
Jungkook: They wanted me to thank you~. :)

Y/N: Well, you're welcome, I'm glad that you and the others liked them. ^^

Jungkook: We did.

Y/N: Good, I'm glad~.
Y/N: So, what are you up to?

Jungkook: I just finished eating.
Jungkook: I'm going to practice the new choreography, so that once the concerts start then I will be flawless. :3

Y/N: You're already flawless Jungkookie. You don't need to be any more flawless. ;)

Jungkook: Heh, thank you Y/N/N. And of course I do! I have a lot of hearts to make flutter. ;)

Y/N: Omg, Jungkook, you flirt! XD

Jungkook: Huh? Me? O-o
Jungkook: No way~! :P

Y/N: Yes way! You're a total flirt and you know it! XD

Jungkook: Hmph... fine. -3-

Y/N: Lol!

Jungkook: So what are you doing?

Y/N: I'm currently watching horror movies and trying my best not to talk because my throat is inflamed and I lost my voice~. T~T

Jungkook: Uh oh. What happened? >^<

Y/N: Well, I'm sick right now and I have a cough.
Y/N: Plus, my job involves me yelling.
Y/N: So, I think I kind of overdid it and now I've lost my voice.
Y/N: Plus, I had a concert tonight. I could barely reach the high notes and I'm a soprano to top it off~! 7^7

Jungkook: Oh.... That's too bad.
Jungkook: I hope you feel better soon. >~<
Jungkook: Concert? Do you sing too? Are you sure you're not a famous singer? -o-

Y/N: Thank you Jungkookie. <3
Y/N: Oh, haha, no, I'm not a famous singer trust me. '^^

Jungkook: Oh, but you said you have a concert. ;-;

Y/N: Yes, it's a concert for choir.
Y/N: I'm in choir right now. :)

Jungkook: Oh~, that makes more sense.

Y/N: Yeah, sorry for not being specific enough. XD

Jungkook: It's ok.
Jungkook: So, you're a soprano?

Y/N: Yep, I'm in with the sopranos.
Y/N: Which is really weird because when I first signed up for choir I thought that I was an alto my whole life and then suddenly the choir teacher just puts me in with the sopranos. XD

Jungkook: Haha!

Y/N: When he did I was like, "Bruh, you sure you know what you're doing because for as long as I know I have been an alto, so if I squeak on those high notes then don't blame me"!

Jungkook: You really said that to him?

Y/N: Omg, no. I was just saying that in my head. I wouldn't actually say that to him! >~<

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