47 - Snack At Bubble Tea Stand

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~ 12:30 PM ~
~ Messages Opened ~

Jina: Aish, why are the boys never here when we are? :(

Leejin: Yeah, they're always in the group chat whenever Y/N/N is here, but when the rest of are in the group chat, they're never here. -3-
Leejin: Totally not fair! >:(

Nari: Lol, well, they are really fond of her. '^^

Nayoung: Yeah and they've talked with her longer. They might not trust the rest of us yet fully. '^^

Leejin: Why the hell would they not trust us?! We've shown them that we're trustworthy! >:(

Jina: I know right. What's not to trust? :(

Nari: Well, you two were wanting to go out and brag about BTS following us way back when they did. '^^

Jina: Ok- -3-
Jina: But technically we didn't. We wanted to, but we didn't. -0-

Nayoung: Yeah, only because Y/N/N stopped you two. '^^

Leejin: I have self-restraint when it comes to BTS. -_-

Jina: Haha, sure you do Leejin. :3

Leejin: Why are you saying it like that?! >:(

Jina: Because you literally have no restraint when it comes to BTS. ;3

Leejin: Neither do you! >:(

Jina: I have more restraint than you do. C:

Leejin: Do not!! >:(

Jina: Do too. :)

Leejin: Ok, fine! If you have more restraint than me then give me some examples where I've shown less restraint than you. >:(

Jina: Oh, I can give you plenty. ;)

Leejin: Then tell me them right now! >:(

Y/N: Oh my... you two. -3-
Y/N: I go to the bathroom for a quick moment and I come back to find you two arguing. >~>

Nari: Hey Y/N/N, welcome back. XD

Nayoung: Haha, aren't they always arguing and hello Y/N/N. ^^

Y/N: Hi~, also, since the boys aren't actually here then why are we still chatting here when we're literally sitting next to each other. -w-

Jina: Because why not and welcome back fam. :3
Jina: We were just discussing how Leejin can never restrain herself when it comes to BTS. '^'

Y/N: I can see that. Leejin is literally fuming beside me right now. XD

Nari: Yeah, she's even glaring daggers at you right now. XDD

Nayoung: I'm getting chills seeing her glare. '^^

Jina: Yeah, her glare is deepening. :^

Y/N: Is that even possible? XP

Jina: Sure it is because it's happening to Leejin right now. :))

Leejin: Why is it whenever there's an argument involving me, it always seems like everyone's ganging up on me? -_-

Jina: Because you're easy to gang up on. :3

Nari: That's true in a way. XD

Leejin: How am I easy to gang up on?! >:(

Nayoung: Maybe because you get upset easily? '^^

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