15 - Guidance From Namjoon

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~ 11:30 AM ~
~ Messages Opened ~

Namjoon: Y/N.
Namjoon: Hello.

Y/N: Hi Namjoon hyung. ^^
Y/N: This is the first time you're messaging me privately.

Namjoon: Yes, I'd like to discuss something with you if that is alright.

Y/N: Of course!
Y/N: What is it?

Namjoon: It's about your recent post.

Y/N: Oh, that...
Y/N: Did I offend you or any of the other members with what I posted?!
Y/N: If so, then I'm really sorry! I really didn't mean for that to happen!

Namjoon: No, that's not it.
Namjoon: We all found it rather funny. Even Yoongi cracked a smile.

Y/N: Oh, that's good to hear. I'm relieved.

Namjoon: Yes, but the matter that I wished to discuss with you is the matter on the amount of hate comments that you received on that post.

Y/N: I-
Y/N: I know. I did receive a lot of hate comments, but I expected that.

Namjoon: Regardless, there were some who were even threatening you.

Y/N: That's true, but all of those who were threatening me don't know where I live.

Namjoon: That may be the case, but by following you and your friends, we now have a duty to protect you and your friends.

Y/N: I see...
Y/N: I do apologize for burdening you with this responsibility.
Y/N: I realize that I should be more careful with what I post.

Namjoon: Yes, I'm glad that you do.
Namjoon: I won't ask you to take down the post, but just be careful in the future of what you post.

Y/N: You're right. I'm sorry once again for any inconvenience that I've caused with you and the other members.

Namjoon: There's no need to apologize.
Namjoon: I'm just glad that we have resolved this issue and have come up with a solution to keep this issue from getting any worse.

Y/N: Yes and thank you for being honest with me about your thoughts.

Namjoon: Of course and thank you for being understanding of my concerns.
Namjoon: I realize that I may have come off as rude or indecent.
Namjoon: I simply wanted to bring up this concern for the worry of what the comments could bring.

Y/N: Oh, no. Don't worry Namjoon hyung.
Y/N: I didn't think that you bringing up your concern was rude in any way. I can understand your concern.
Y/N: It warms my heart to know that you are looking out for me and for my friends.
Y/N: We haven't known each other long, so I appreciate it.

Namjoon: Of course. I'm glad that you see it that way Y/N. :)
Namjoon: I hope your day is going alright despite all those negative comments on your post.

Y/N: It's going fine.
Y/N: I hope that your day is going well as well.

Namjoon: It is going decent.

Y/N: That's good to hear Namjoon hyung.

Namjoon: Yes, I should be going now.

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