Falling ♡

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Ahhh... why are they screaming down stairs?!? I herd Avani saying something about Liz getting the part. WAIT!!!LIZ GOT THE PART!!! I- I don't even know what to say. Anyways. A couple of minutes after Josh opened the door.

Jo - sup Jaden
J - sup
J - umm... Josh what is all that screaming abt?
Jo - oh right Liz auditioned to a movie apparently and she got the part.
J - ouh
Jo - hey Jaden what happened to ur movie?
J - ah it's complicated. They are still auditioning for "my lover" *i said lying bc obviously Liz is "my lover"*
Jo - ok... anyways we're going to the pool. Wanna join?
J - nah man I'm good
Jo - ok

Josh went inside the closet to change and comes back with Liz's suitcase. What is happening?!?

J - ummm Josh what is that for?
Jo - chill Jaden ur lover crush isn't going anywhere but Anthony's room.
Jo - wow ok ur obsessed. She's just going to be on Anthony's room from now on bc Avani is literally always here so she'll be more closer to Avani. I don't get it either but... it is what it is!
J - first I'm not obsessed. And second it's probably bc she's more clear to Anthony anyways.
Jo - ight gtg see ya. And if u wanna join can.
J - yea not td. See ya

All I hear is them screaming and having fun. I walk closer to my balcony. But I made sure no one saw me. I see Liz and Mark all this and that. Idk what came to me but I stormed to my bed. Ahhhh why him I could offer way better. I decide to post on my Instagram since I haven't posted on a while now.



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Jadenhossler : why him... I mean I can offer more...

@jadenxilysm : ops who is he talking abt?Tea 🍵
@jadenisbae. : who hurt u? Ilysm
@hater235 : is obvious that she did it
->> @not.lizgregg
- @jadsisendgame : @not.lizgregg ofc she did! Mads is way more worth it.
@joshrichards : bro u good?
@mads.lewis : call me!!!
- @madsxjadn : aww they are so cute together
- @jads4life : definitely

After I posted those I read some of the comments. Damn how are some people so smart. Ik that Liz did this but how do other people know?!? And people can be really mean aswell. Ik that Liz made me feel like this but it's not her fault. Is mines bc I feel for her. I saw Mads comment. What does she means abt call me. I don't rly care anymore I called her.

~ on the phone ~

~ Mads 🤍 ~

M - hey bubbs u ok?
J - hey Mads yea I'm fine
M - no ur not talk to me
J - it's complicated
M - than dis complicate it
J - it's hard
M - I see what's going on
J - u do?
M - yea I do. U need to get out and see people that are not the boys.
J - yea maybe it right
M - ofc I am. Anyways I'm free tmr so do u maybe wanna u know hang out?
J - sure that would be great
M - cool see u tmr than
J - see ya

~ call ended ~

It has been awhile since Mads and I talked like this. The last time we saw each other we were drunk and we made out. I was abt to fall asleep when I herd someone's voice in the hallway. Liz. I pretended I was asleep so she wouldn't talk to me. Idk why I'm ignoring her. Well is mostly bc I think she made her decision already. Anyways when she walked in I was with my eyes a little open. I just saw her looking at me and smiling. Wtf is kinda creepy tbh. She giggled a little almost making me giggle and ruining my sleeping disguise. She got some of her stuff and left. Ahhh it kills me knowing that we both like each other but we can't do anything. Well idk if she still likes me. I hope she does. After that I actually fell asleep.

What is she doing to me...


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