~Chapter 37~

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When the time came for the wolf pack to show, Sesshomaru was able to pull away from Mayu without harming her so he did and left her to rest while he took care of the rest. It was around sunset when Mayu woke up to be greeted by Sesshomaru who told her that everything was settled including Rin who was being watched by Eri still. They spent the rest of the afternoon with each other, some moments were silent, some were just casual conversation, but it was more than enough for the other. Now, it had been a few days since the eventful night and Sesshomaru's already noticed a difference in Mayu's behavior. She seemed pretty out of it in the mornings, even avoiding food here and there, she also didn't seem as energetic. This only confirmed Sesshomaru's fear, Mayu was bred. Now, he had hoped no one else would notice these changes as well, however, his hope was soon shattered.

"Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru had to force himself to not tense hearing his mother's voice.

"Mother." He greeted through gritted teeth trying to keep a calm mood as Mayu suggested when he spoke to his mother.

"I'm cutting to the chase here, you've bred Mayu. Haven't you?" Sesshomaru closed his eyes, though his back was turned to his mother and she could not see, but he was struggling to keep calm. He had hoped maybe he could hide it, at least a little longer.

"Bold of you to assume that out of no where." He spoke.

"No where? Interesting, why is it I can smell it in her scent then?" He tensed, he hadn't thought about that. It is true, it was also peeking through in her scent now already as well. He had rubbed against her quite a bit this morning in hopes to hide it, but obviously that plan failed.

"What of it?" He asked in a slightly stern tone.

"I was curious how far you thought this through is all." He couldn't help but look back at her with a small glimmer of confusion in his eyes. His mother sighed heavily before walking beside him and leaning on the railing leading to the back guardens where Mayu and Rin were.

"There's something we need to discuss." Sesshomaru looked away.

"I'd rather skip your lectures." He growled.

"Do you not care for her safety then?" His gaze snapped back at his mother with a harsh glare.

"Thought so. Look, as you know, our kind's pregancies only last around fifty to sixty-eight days, or a month to two months." Sesshomaru's gaze softened a little. Had she really no intentions of threatening her?

"However, humans' pregancies last around nine months." Sesshomaru's brows furrowed. Did humans really bare their kin for that long?

"That pup is of your blood, it will mature a lot faster which will confuse her body. One week will equal a month, and here's the issue." His mother looked him in the eye, she was serious.

"If her body can even handle it."

"Meaning?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Izayoi, from my understanding, had a hard time with your brother. She was also older though, a full grown adult, Mayu is still young." Sesshomaru stared for a moment, then his gaze went Mayu.

"So you didn't. By any chance was it accidental?" Once again, Sesshomaru tensed. How was his mother able to read her so well?

"Have you also forgotten about communing with Haha Tsuki?" Sesshomaru relaxed at this.

"I have not." It fell silent for a moment, then his mother turned to walk away.

"I hope you know what you've done." Was the last thing she said before leaving her son alone. Or, at least she thought. A grinning female waltzed over then placed an arm on Sesshomaru's shoulder making him look over. Only two people would be brave enough to do that, Mayu and Amaya.

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