"Draco honey," His mother said.

"Yes mum,"

"Is something wrong?" She asked. "Lately you've been so distant from your father and I,"

"I just feel like I'm forgetting something," He said sitting down on his bed. "Like there's something important that I need to know, but I just can't figure it out,"

"Well that's okay honey. You'll remember it soon enough," Narcissa said as she sat next to him. "You're father wants to take a family trip. He got some time off for work and he thought it would be good to travel," Travel. Something about the word travel stuck with him.

"Okay mum. Ill get my stuff ready," Draco told her. Narcissa looked at her son before she sighed. She knew something was wrong but wasn't quite sure what it was. It broke her heart knowing her son was going through something and she couldn't be of use.

"Okay honey. We'll talk more later," she said as she got up and left.

"Travel," He mumbled to himself. "Wasn't I going to travel?" Draco quickly got up and took a box out from under his bed. The box was huge and contained memories from his time at Hogwarts. It include everything from photos to quills.

"Why was I going to travel? Where was I going to go?" Draco asked himself as he began to go through the box. He took out his photo album that contained photos of him and his friends through the years. The photos started out normal and contained pictures of him with Blaise, Pansy, and even Crabbe and Goyle. That's when he begin to come across photos of him, Pansy, and small girl. The girl had dark black hair and striking green eyes. As he continued through the photos the photos of him and the girl increased. She was in slytherin just like he was and seemed to be a prefect with him and everything. He even assumed that she was a pure blood or a half-blood.

He just couldn't recall who she was. Draco quickly went to his desk and began to write a letter to Pansy telling her to come over as quickly as possible. Afterwards he ran downstairs with the photo album in hand to his mother and father.

"What's wrong Draco?" His mother asked as he bursted into his father's study.

"Yes, what is the matter Draco," His father said.

"Who is this?" He asked as he showed them the photos.

"Well isn't it one of your little friends?" His father asked.

"I don't know. I don't remember her at all," Draco explained. "The both of you would have met her anyways, just like all my other friends. There are even photos with you, mother, and mother's cousin Sirius,"

"Sirius?" Narcissa asked. "But I haven't seen him in years. He was friends with that Potter boy and were in gryffindor,"

"Well this was taken a year ago and he's right there," Draco said. The whole family was freaked out. They couldn't understand what was going on. They didn't know who the girl was.

"I'm going to send a letter and try to figure out who this girl is. First I'll send one to your mother's cousin. Let's hope we can locate him," Lucius said.


"Hello cousin. It's very nice to see you again," Sirius said as he hugged Narcissa. "It's been ages since we've seen each other. Please come inside," Draco then followed his mother and father as Sirius led them to the living room.

"Thank you cousin. How have you've been?" Narcissa asked.

"I've been just dandy. Remus, Tonks, Teddy, and I all took a trip to America last month and it was spectacular. What about you?"

"Well there's something that Draco found that we wanted to ask you about. Do you remember your friend the Potter boy?"

"Yes," Sirius said sadly. "We were all shocked and quite sad when we discovered that him and his family were killed,"

"What?" Draco asked. "They're dead?"

"Yes, for years now. Even their daughter was killed. The killer still was never discovered," Sirius explained.

"They had a daughter? What did she look like?!" Draco asked/yelled as he stood up.

"Calm down son," Lucius scolded.

"Sorry father,"

"She would be about your age Draco. She had her mother's eyes. Lily had beautiful green eyes,"

"What color was her hair?" Draco asked.

"It was black just like James's hair. Why?" Sirius asked.

"Cousin I would like you to take a look at something, but please remain calm," Narcissa said. "Show him the book Draco,"

As Draco showed Sirius the book his mouth dropped and he became ghostly pale.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"We don't know," Draco said. "That's why we thought to ask you,"

"She has Lily's eyes, but looks so much like James. This can't be possible. Where is she?"

"We don't know. I saw her photo and I didn't know who she was," Draco explained. "Then I found this," Draco the showed him another photo. The photo this time had contain all of them in it. The girl, Draco, Sirius, Lucius, and Narcissa were all included in the photo.

"How is this possible?" Sirius asked. "I haven't see you in years cousin. I'm sorry, but I need to go lay down. My head is starting to hurt really bad. This is too much to process,"

"We understand. I would still love to meet up with you and talk at a later date if that is alright," Narcissa said.

"Of course. Have a safe trip home," and with that the Malfoys left. Draco couldn't wrap his head around the whole idea. Who was this girl and why did his heartache when ever he looked at her. He made him feel weird. As soon as they got home Draco rushed back up to his room and laid on his bed. He needed to know who she was and why she effected him so much.

Why couldn't he remember her if they were friends? That's when an idea popped into his mind. He need to use his occlumency and dive deep into his mind.

Draco was stunned. He didn't know how long it had taken him, but he finally figured out who the girl was. It was Lily. He just couldn't out who would make him and everyone else forget about her and why they would do that. Later that night as Draco drifted off to sleep he made sure to reply each and every memory over and over again. He didn't want to forget her again.

If he did he felt like something horrible would happen. He went back and through his memories from when they first met to when she left. All the inside jokes, the sleepovers, the little talks. Everything stuck to him. He ran through each and every memory. He knew why it hurt to look at her and why he couldn't truly forget her like the others. She had left such an impact on him and without her he felt empty.

He knew why forgetting her was always in the back of his mind and why it kept nagging him. After awhile he finally let sleep take over. As he dreamed he was in a forest. The forest was big and bright. He soon spotted a path and began to follow it. As he continued on his path he saw flowers. The first bunch of flowers were lilies, but as he continued trasmine flowers began to mix in until he was completely surrounded by them.

The flowers were beautiful and seemed to draw him towards them. He decided to pick one and continues on his path. As he continued a white light began to consume him and he drifted away.

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